Viewing User Profile for: Grasshopper
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Joined: 09-24-2023 03:41 PM
Last Login: 02-01-2024 04:28 PM
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 Post Statistics
Grasshopper has contributed to 13 out of 7,774 total posts (0.17% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Re: Mobile Intake "For office Use" content 9/24/2023 4:03:41 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hello- along the lines of the previous question, is it possible to remove the "Office Use " questions in MI standard forms? Some pertain to clients religious beliefs and we have had comments from clients that they find this inappropriate. Thanks!!

Re: Mobile Intake "For office Use" content 9/25/2023 6:32:36 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Thank you, Ashleigh!

Re: Mobile Intake form missing when forms returned 2/1/2024 4:20:02 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hello, Ashleigh! For the last 2 weeks, one page of a two page consent form has not been included in returned forms. The form is seen when sent and clients see both pages when they sign but we do not have the first page. We deleted and added the form again but the problem persists. We have not changed any of our processes. The form has been there since 2022. Please advise. Many thanks for your time and kind assistance! Grasshopper

Re: Mobile Intake form missing when forms returned 2/1/2024 4:29:04 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Will do, thanks, Brian!

Re: Print Icon not functioning since Portal upgrade 9/25/2023 6:46:50 PM   (Total replies: 1)
In client file- edit health history- PRINT icon on lower left at end of form not working. We use Windows and Chrome. Thanks! G

Re: Print Icon not functioning since Portal upgrade 9/26/2023 2:25:43 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Will do- many thanks! G

Re: Print Icon not functioning since Portal upgrade 9/25/2023 6:14:56 PM   (Total replies: 1)
We cannot print the Health History form using the icon. Must highlight and print. Could our PC be the issue? Thanks! G

Print Icon not functioning since Portal upgrade 9/24/2023 4:06:20 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hello- since the portal upgrade, we are unable to print intake forms from the MI files. Please advise- thanks !

Re: Health History Form 9/25/2023 6:02:33 PM   (Total replies: 2)
Kris- excellent plan and suggestions- many thanks!! G

Re: Health History Form 9/25/2023 6:10:00 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Also, we lost Cathy Bouma as account manager and have not received another yet. Please advise- thanks! G

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