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Joined: 12-14-2004 04:28 PM
Last Login: 11-14-2005 01:59 PM
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tracyd has contributed to 20 out of 7,774 total posts (0.26% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Donor Management Report Summaries 1/21/2005 12:30:59 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Brian, Sorry looks as if you and I will be getting well known over the next few weeks :) I am wanting to run a report with a total giving for a specific time. I can only see where when I run the report I get a list of everyone's name, address, giving and so on but no total at the end. I would like just a summary with the total giving i.e. When I enter a weeks worth of giving I would like just a summary of the total amount and what events its tied to, to verify that against my ...

Re: Donor Management Report Summaries 4/10/2005 12:57:52 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Brian, I need a break down by date not month. Say I enter donations 4-1 thru 4-8 then I do a deposit on 4-8 what I would like to do is go into the summary and put in those dates and get the total to make sure that it adds up to my QB deposit. It's just another way of tracking to make sure that everything that came in was added into here and not skipped over and just added into the QB deposit. The way we enter donations thru our center is the first time they are opened and checked by ...

Pledges 1/2/2006 5:19:00 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Brian, Happy New Year! Hope all is well. On the pledge reminders it looks as if they only will print once they are "past due" what I was hoping for was a reminder I could send out like a week prior to the due date so they get their plede in on time not after the date. Is there anyway to do this? I hate to be such a pest. Tracy

Re: Pledges 1/5/2006 2:26:34 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Brian While I am on the subject of requests :) any chance you can move the name and address on the receipts and pledges in about 1/2 an inch so they fit correctly inside a window envelope? Any time frame on the pledge reminder fix? I am in a real hurry ( as I am sure everyone is that requests fixes) sorry. Thanks Tracy

Re: Pledges 1/9/2006 12:00:34 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi, We use Standard # 10 window (business size) envelope we have these printed from a local printer. Thanks!!

Re: Pledges 1/31/2006 1:13:29 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Hi Brian, Ok I guess what I was asking for originally was a form letter that went out for pledges and it looks like all i get in pledge reminders is the names of people who owe and from there we would have to create a pledge reminder in word so that really defeats the purpose as I already had a program that i could enter the name and pledge amount and then once a month push a couple of buttons and a reminder would print. I was hoping for something like the receipts only for pledges. ( is ...

Donor date entry 10/11/2005 6:02:20 PM   (Total replies: 4)
Hi Brian, Thanks for all the hard work on the Donor end of CenterPiece! One question when I want to enter a donation for today that I received today it wont take it, it comes back telling me "Invalid Date. The date of donation must be less than or equal to todays date" Why cant I have todays date as the date of donation? Thanks Tracy

Re: Donor date entry 10/13/2005 12:57:12 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Hi Brian, Thanks works great now :) I so appreciate how quickly you get on top of things, your a blessing ! Tracy

Pledge update 8/10/2005 4:12:19 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Brian, Just checking in to see how that new release for the donor portion is coming along. Thanks for all you do Tracy

Pledge reminders 3/31/2005 3:15:48 PM   (Total replies: 2)
Hi Brian, I know we already talked about pledge reminders in the update for donor management but I want to specify what it is I am needing. Is there a way you can have a drop down box that would allow me to specify what the pledge is for i.e walk, banquet, monthly? As I have donors pledging in all those areas. Also for the walk aspect is there a way that you can do a letter or attach the walkers name along with the pledge reminder example: Tracy Davis anywhere USA Thank you for ...

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