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Joined: 02-01-2005 03:48 PM
Last Login: 11-17-2006 11:10 AM
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tmaikk has contributed to 49 out of 7,768 total posts (0.63% of total).
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Re: New Microsoft Update 11/14/2006 2:51:25 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I had downloaded IE7 on my computer and then found out that our own webmail was not compatible and I neither are some government secure websites. I guess some of them have been slower to get things in line with that. I had to uninstall IE7. That was just a couple weeks ago,--thought i would let you know, just in case any others have problems once they download IE7.

Re: New Microsoft Update 11/17/2006 11:17:04 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Thanks for the info--I will check it out.

Re: gifts in kind 11/15/2006 1:00:24 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I have checked the donor section of Ekyros, to see how we can keep a record of material donations and the value of each of them. I'm not finding that in the donor manual--but maybe I missed it. Can you help me? It would be helpful to have a list, as we do in our closets, that we could select items and enter the value of the donation (Not the value for the donor's tax records but the value it is for us) Our CPA says that we need to keep track, because it represents a large amount of "in ...

abstinence commitment 10/17/2006 2:06:15 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Brian, On the case form, for the question about abstinence commitment, could we have a choice of N/A (not applicable) for our married clients? That way when i look at the report, I can see that it is appropriate for a particular client to not have made a comittment, as opposed to thinking that my staff isn't getting enough information or talking about it when needed.

Re: re: questions about education level 10/17/2006 7:10:12 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Brian, In a couple of our centers we are seeing a lot of clients who are immigrants (mostly illegal) and many of them have not been educated at all. Could you add Elementary School and NONE to the drop down list for highest level of education completed? That would give us a more accurate picture than the choice of unknown which is what we have to use at this time.

re: questions on the Initial visit form 2/9/2005 10:51:49 AM   (Total replies: 2)
I am wondering how clients respond to all the questions regarding income, education level, parent's marital status etc. Are these questions that most centers using centerpiece are using on their intake forms? Is there any sense of these questions being more than information than clients need to give us?

Re: re: questions on the Initial visit form 2/9/2005 2:29:18 PM   (Total replies: 2)
How has the response been from clients and from centers who have never used these questions before? Does anyone use a disclaimer to let clients know that they don't have to fill it out if they feel uncomfortable telling us that?

Re: marital status - for deceased 10/17/2006 6:59:02 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Brian, I agree with this and our directors have been asking about it. We have had it several times, that the client does say both parents are deceased. Any thoughts about adding that?

Focus on the Family Report 8/21/2006 5:01:47 PM   (Total replies: 1)
When we file a report for FOTF, often we don't have a client's final decision. Say in June, she was abortion minded. In July we run the report and she still is abortion minded or undecided, If she changes her mind in August or September, and decides to parent, when will that statistic come through in the Focus report?

re: changed minds 6/20/2006 1:44:37 PM   (Total replies: 1)
If a client comes in abortion minded, leaves abortion minded and then a year later, comes in reporting a changed mind, Where all do we record that information? Pregnancy test outcome, case form?, and pregnancy test or sonogram? Where will the changed mind statistic come from? If I find out today that a client changed her mind 9 months ago- the statistics have already been run, and recorded. Will that information be reflected in the statistics from this month, since that is when it was ...

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