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samiller has contributed to 7 out of 7,768 total posts (0.09% of total).
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Demographic Percentages
6/6/2003 12:02:05 PM
(Total replies: 1)
I am probably just missing them somewhere, but I can't find any kind of bar graph/pie chart with client demographic percentage info. I can find all of the numbers as a report, but they do not include percentages. Is this info available? |
Mail Merge
7/7/2003 11:03:48 AM
(Total replies: 2)
Is it possible to use mail merge with a centerpiece report? For instance, if I wanted to send a postcard to all girls who had a baby due in August, would it be possible to use mail merge with the "babies due" report? If this is possible, can you give me the detailed logistics on how to do this. I've tried every way I know how but can't make it work. I read in the centerpiece user manual that it is possible, but it doesn't break down excatly how to do it.
Thanks so much ! |
Re: Mail Merge
7/8/2003 10:22:00 AM
(Total replies: 1)
Thank you so much for the info Brian! I really appreciate it. I am still having a hang-up though. When I try to send the report to Word, I am getting a prompt for a password. I've tried all of my ekyros, centerpiece, and prestonwood passwords and nothing is working. If I hit cancel it will open the document but with only the very top line of the report and no client information. It never prompts me for a password when I send a report to a webpage.
Any ideas? |
Re: Mail Merge
7/8/2003 11:16:36 AM
(Total replies: 0)
The password prompt that is coming up is unlike any other that normally pops up. It's asking for a network password. I have tried my centerpience password and user id, and also my prestonwood password but neither work.
But, before I got your last post I tried copying and pasting the report into Word and from there your instructions worked just fine. I'm not sure what I was doing wrong before, but with your instructions I made it work. I've actually been working in Publisher, but it allows ... |
Unknown Pregnancy Outcome Tracking
5/19/2003 5:01:12 PM
(Total replies: 1)
You wrote:
"the pregnancy outcomes are tracked by the "Date Of Outcome" which appears
that most of the "unknown" outcomes you have set occured in 2002 and 2001.
Run the report 2002 or 2001 and you will see a lot of outcomes of
so, pregancy outcomes are tracked by the "Date Of Outcome" not the Date
you set the outcome.
let me know if you have any more questions.
The "Pregnancy Outcomes" I was ... |
Re: Unknown Pregnancy Outcome Tracking
5/20/2003 9:47:43 AM
(Total replies: 1)
Thanks for looking into it. I guess the main question I still have is what actual date does the report put the outcomes under?? I assumed it was the "date of outcome" and if that is so I am positive that there should be more unknown's for 2003. My question originated when I was preparing the productivity report for April and saw that only 1 unknown for all of 2003 was showing up. As you probably already know, there are normally more "unknowns" than any other outcomes, and I know that I have ... |
Re: Unknown Pregnancy Outcome Tracking
5/20/2003 11:05:10 AM
(Total replies: 1)
I think I have figured out why I am so confused. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If the outcome is set as unknown, then the outcome is logged under the original date of the pregnancy test?? I originally thought that it would be logged as the date the outcome was entered, and that's why I have been so confused. Let me know if this clears things up.
Thanks!! |
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