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Joined: 04-24-2006 12:32 PM
Last Login: 06-09-2009 07:28 AM
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rosecondra has contributed to 25 out of 7,777 total posts (0.32% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
counting unique clients 8/18/2008 11:55:49 AM   (Total replies: 2)
I know the one report counts clients only once per month, but how do I get the number of unique clients per year?

Re: counting unique clients 8/20/2008 2:03:05 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Sarah, It would be helpful, since a lot of grant requests ask specifically for families served or something of that sort for your yearly stats, not just number of appointments held.

Re: counting unique clients 6/9/2009 7:28:41 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Thanks - this will help a lot!

user accounts 6/10/2009 9:58:13 AM   (Total replies: 1)
what is the fee to add user accounts? We are at our quota of 5

Lapsed Client Files 4/21/2009 8:15:09 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Is there a way to pull off a report of clients who were seen in 2008, but not in 2009? Or, clients who have no visit history in say the last 6 months?

Re: Lapsed Client Files 4/21/2009 9:50:41 PM   (Total replies: 1)
We would use this report to help purge non-active clients from our "working" file drawer. The drawers are overflowing and we know there are client files in there who have not been seen in the past year. We could move the "old" files to the storage cabinet and free up space.

appt book 2/18/2009 3:22:10 PM   (Total replies: 0)
We make reminder calls to our Earn While You Learn Clients for the week. Is there a way to print out the appt book with phone numbers?

Purging donor files 5/27/2008 9:10:11 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Good Morning My EKyros Friends, Hope you all had a great long weekend. I am looking for a way to purge (or at least tag as inactive) all donors who haven't given in the past 2 years. We mail out a newsletter which has grown to over 2000 and I know there are folks on there who haven't supported the Center in this time frame. I read through past posts, and there was some discussion last year, but I never saw a resolution.

Re: Purging donor files 5/28/2008 8:47:20 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Margie, Thanks for your response. I understand that portion of the process, but my dilemma is finding those inactive donors to be able to tag them. As in, how do I get a report to show me folks who have not donated in 2 years so I can tag them (apart from manually going through all files). Thanks for any help you can offer.

Re: Purging donor files 5/28/2008 11:26:53 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Thanks. This is one thing I love about dealing with you nice Ekyros folks - excellent customer service. Have a great rest of the week.

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