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Joined: 02-01-2005 08:38 AM
Last Login: 07-17-2008 10:56 AM
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ltrask has contributed to 14 out of 7,777 total posts (0.18% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Two feature requests 11/28/2007 11:45:48 AM   (Total replies: 2)
Hi Brian, I wondered if you would consider adding "bi-monthly" to the payment schedule under the Pledge Form. Several of our donors give that way. Also, I was wondering if there was a way to break out funds received regarding tax purposes. For instance, we sometimes receive money in exchange for goods, ie: training materials (we charge only the actual cost) but have no way to indicate that this amount is not tax-deductible. Currently, any monies entered appear as tax deductible ...

Re: Two feature requests 11/29/2007 11:22:37 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Thank you very much, Sarah. You have been very helpful! One more question: What report will tell us the total amount received (excluding receipted)? Just want to make sure that all numbers jive! Linda

Re: Two feature requests 1/7/2008 9:16:09 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Sarah, I think Sharon and I are referring to the same need: people who give every other month. It would be helpful to have that designation sometime in the future. Keep up the good work. Linda

Donations Report - Sort by event and zip code 11/8/2006 3:19:25 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Brain, Wondered if there was a way to do a sort in "Donations Report" by event and then "church." This would be extremely helpful to us when we report to churches how much money was raised through the bottle campaign. Also, we would like to do a donor files sort by zip when we run labels. We can do the sort in eKyros, but when sending it to labels, eKyros goes to the default report. Sorting by zip expedites bulk mailing. Currently, we are not using the eKyros label function because of ...

Re: Donations Report - Sort by event and zip code 11/21/2006 3:31:35 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Hi Brian, Thanks so much! My church reports are completed and it only took me a few minutes compared to the days I was spending to get the info. I also found my hand calculations were wrong! It was a pleasure talking with you the other day. Customer service is obviously the number one priority here at eKyros!

Client File Summary 3/2/2006 1:37:27 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi there, again! I have a question about the Client File Summary. When I check off the boxes (usually case, activity and notes), and click "refresh" the following info appears: cases summary, activity summary and notes. When I choose to export the info either to a web page or MS Word, "case summary" is missing. Is there a reason why this info is missing? This field carries important information we need. Any suggestions?

Client File Summary question 2/27/2006 12:49:32 PM   (Total replies: 1)
On the Client File Summary, under Activity Summary, the field under, "1. What is the client's spiritual status" comes up empty - even though the info is filled in on the case visit. We are having to export to Word and then typing in the info. Are we doing something wrong or is there a bug associated with this field? Thanks!!

Re: Page Breaks 2/27/2006 12:51:44 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Thanks Brian, and yes, I wanted to put receipts from 2 separate donors on a I know the receipt itself tallies up the totals per donor each month. Just looking to be thrifty and a little "green"!

Page Breaks 2/22/2006 6:59:45 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Without reinventing the wheel, how do I remove page breaks when I export the batch receipts to MS Word? I like to run 2 receipts per page. Thanks!

Re: Page Breaks 2/22/2006 2:22:27 PM   (Total replies: 2)
I like to put 2 receipts per page so as not to waste paper. I receipt donors once a month and include the receipt with a Donor/Thank You letter. It seems that last month I did something and was able to get 2 receipts per page. But for the life of me, I can't remember how I did it. I know I did not remove the code one at a time.

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