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Joined: 02-19-2004 04:39 PM
Last Login: 02-20-2004 09:59 AM
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kellyinwaco has contributed to 4 out of 7,768 total posts (0.05% of total).
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appointment app. question 3/4/2004 11:25:10 AM   (Total replies: 1)
On the resource page (while making an appointment) when you click another date on the calandar (small at top of page) and hit refresh the date doesn't change. If this link worked we could switch dates easily which scheduling the appointment on the phone, instead of returning to the main appointment page each time. Also, how do walk-ins affect the total appointments scheduled statistic, and if they are checked in (changed to show status) how does this affected appointments showed at the end of ...

update release? 2/19/2004 5:03:17 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Brian, Do you usually send an e-mail alert when you have completed an update? If not, do you just post it on the forum web site? When will the next one with the schedule book be up and running? kelly

Re: update release? 2/20/2004 10:10:30 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Thanks Brian! That sounds wonderful! My receptionist will be posting a message soon in response to your abortion vuln. question. She had a couple of additional questions to add as well! One thing I was curious about was a spot in a client's file for additional visits such as attending our Pregnancy Support program (usually a weekly visit right now being tracked under 'correspondence' ), returning for an STD test result after a negative pregnancy test (this could involve 3 visits if they ...

Re: update release? 2/20/2004 11:26:13 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Well 'class' would imply that more than one are attending, while pregnancy support is a one-on-one counseling session. If creating a class for one person is possible, than I will play with that option. We average between 50 -60 pregnancy support visits a month. Classes don't work for our clients so this is the approach we have developed over the last few years and the # of clients who faithfully keep these appointments is increasing!! Same thing goes with our STD test result appointments-- ...

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