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Joined: 05-21-2008 12:52 PM
Last Login: 01-24-2017 12:27 PM
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keithf has contributed to 94 out of 7,777 total posts (1.21% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Re: Google Chrome - Ver 23.0.1271.97 m, a performance feature 2/18/2013 1:56:12 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I am entering a Quick form. I habitually use the TAB key when it is faster than placing my hand on the mouse. As I enter data into the form, the TAB key will advance down the screen to each field that is available for data entry. When the TAB reaches the bottom of the screen, the next TAB will cause a screen refresh and place the current input field at the center of the screen instead of advancing only one line down the form. One can now see more of the form and what is coming next. ...

Re: Google Chrome - Ver 23.0.1271.97 m, a performance feature 2/18/2013 3:23:14 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Thanks Amy - good to know that you can see the effects. As I mentioned originally, I don't know if you have any programming control of this function but it would be good to see it propagated to the other browsers if possible - a definite time saver. Because of this, I am thinking of moving to Chrome but my favorite browser for everyday use is Firefox. Can you bring this to the attention of the developers? Ask Brian. I'd like to see it propagated to the other browsers. Keith

Google Chrome - Ver 23.0.1271.97 m, a performance feature 2/16/2013 12:01:50 PM   (Total replies: 1)
On Windows 7, I notice a good feature of Chrome. It might perform the same on other Windows releases. When one is at the bottom of a screen and the TAB is pressed, the screen will update and place the current line in the middle of the screen instead of only refreshing the screen to the next available line on the current form. I don't know if you have any programming control of this function but it would be good to see it propagated to the other browsers if possible- a definite time ...

Deleting staff volunteers 1/24/2017 1:28:33 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Our center has grown and volunteers come and go. We were doing maintenance on our volunteer list and found we were prohibited from deleting invalid/inactive volunteer records with a message "Cannot delete record. The file has follow-up tasks assigned. You must remove or re-assign all follow-up first." I did a followup report for the selected volunteer to see if there were any incomplete followups, ie., that needed work to be complete. There were none. All followups were in the complete ...

Re: Who altered a client file? 7/13/2013 3:22:22 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Ashleigh, The CASE VISIT form also provides this file tagging or status bar as you say. I still have an issue with the validity as I did originally. We have begun to permit other users to enter CLIENT data. To ensure correct data is entered, I am doing validity checking of each entry while they are 'learning'. Today, I am checking files and I see an error in a field on the Case form. I click edit to see who entered the data (I need to make them aware of the error) - It has MY name ...

Re: Who altered a client file? 4/4/2012 6:12:42 PM   (Total replies: 1)
OK. I was wondering because I always see my name. Other people, I believe, have been entering outcome results and I don't know who it is. When I enter the edit mode, I see my name at the bottom of the record. We record a note on the 'follow-up' form when the data is entered. I don't see the note on the form but the outcome has been recorded. It may be the counselors are entering more than one follow-up. I need to get t the bottom of the issue. It wastes my time.

Re: Who altered a client file? 4/5/2012 2:50:15 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I am supposed to be the only one who is entering data. That is the reason I am writing to you to ask for help in determining who else is doing the updates. Action of events: I have a stack of Follow-ups to enter. I locate the client record. I open the case. I look at the Outcome area and it has already been entered. The form is not flagged as 'recorded'. SO, I don't believe I did it. When I open the Outcome edit screen, it has my name at the bottom. If I didn't do it, who ...

Who altered a client file? 4/4/2012 3:36:58 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Is there a way to determine the last person who altered a client file in Client Management? I know I can see my name on the last line of a record when in 'EDIT' mode.

Re: Who altered a client file? 4/5/2012 3:29:34 PM   (Total replies: 1)
That helps!

Re: Who altered a client file? 5/1/2012 7:02:17 PM   (Total replies: 2)
I have done some more investigating and I don't see a good way for me or anyone else to make the determination of "who changed a file". I need more help. I think this is a feature that needs to be implemented. The signature must be there someplace - "last altered by NAME". Even in Microsoft WORD, the author can be found in the file properties. Is there a way to poll the community about this? Has anyone else raised the question? We do control our users BUT there will be a time when ...

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