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Joined: 06-30-2005 10:32 AM
Last Login: 06-30-2005 10:32 AM
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hapc has contributed to 3 out of 7,774 total posts (0.04% of total).
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Pregnany test form 6/30/2005 10:37:24 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Can you add a block for "songram that was scheduled and a place to record when the sono was scheduled on the pregnancy test form? thanks, lori

Re: Pregnany test form 7/5/2005 7:49:05 AM   (Total replies: 1)
I am not looking for a place to schedule an ultrasound. I just want the "history" logged in the client file that an ultrasound was scheduled.

Re: Pregnany test form 7/12/2005 7:47:03 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Anything would be fine, as long as when I pull up that client history I see she was scheduled for an ultrasound for that visit.

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