Viewing User Profile for: Christy
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Joined: 09-25-2008 04:09 PM
Last Login: 09-25-2008 04:09 PM
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Christy has contributed to 1 out of 7,777 total posts (0.01% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Ticket sales 9/25/2008 4:14:50 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Our PRC is having a fundraiser in a couple of weeks. I have people mailing in donations for this fundriser and I have people mailing in money to buy tickets for this fundraiser and I have people mailing in money for tickets and extra for donations. I was told that we can not put all this money under the donation area because they are getting dinner for their ticket. Therefore, the end-of-year total can not include ticket funds. How can I sperate ticket money and donation money but still ...

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