Joined: 30 Dec 2023 |
Total Posts: 3 |
Attributing Baby Bottle Campaign Cash Posted: 19 Feb 2024 10:39 PM |
We're having difficulty figuring out how to properly attribute cash that comes in for the Baby Bottle Campaign using the options available in eKyros. It seems we have to put it in a donor file, but it's anonymous as part of a group donation. If we put it under the donor file for a parent church/organization, the church would then show up in our reports as having donated that cash, even though they didn't. Given how common this campaign seems to be, what's the standard practice? |
Re: Attributing Baby Bottle Campaign Cash Posted: 20 Feb 2024 08:11 AM |
Hi Jonks. Thank you for reaching out. We recommend setting up Baby Bottle Campaigns events using Group Captains. Groups/Group Captains are usually the churches that receive baby bottles. Doing this, allows you to post donations to an Anonymous donor but give credit to the church it came from.
We also have some nice reports that you can run when trying to find how much each church has raised. Please feel free to contact your Account Manager for more information about this or you can contact me at 469-293-3079 ext 109.
Have a nice day! Maggie Patton |
Re: Attributing Baby Bottle Campaign Cash Posted: 20 Feb 2024 09:21 AM |
Hi Jonks,
Thank you for posting to the forum. I understand what you are saying and let me explain the solution. Each Church or Business that receives bottles to distribute, would be set up within the Baby Bottle Event as a "Group Captain". Some centers even include the count of bottles being provided to them as part of the group name so they know how many to pick up (it's a great way to keep track of bottle inventory).
Then, when bottles are all picked up and you enter the donations (usually done using the batch entry tool), you can associate "known" Donors who pay by check by entering their gift to their Donor file and tie it to both the baby bottle event, but also to the church as the "Group Captain". The lump sum of miscellaneous cash given by anonymous Donors from the churches congregation gets entered into the centers " Anonymous Donor" file (each center usually has one for all anonymous Donor giving). First name Anonymous, last name Donor. This donation as well, would be tied to both the baby bottle event as well as that particular church as the Group Captain. This way, you can easily run reports and even see within the Fundraising tab for the Baby Bottle Event, the amount that each individual church or business helped you procure.
Hope this helps! Please reach out to your designated Account Manager for any additional assistance in getting your Baby Bottle Event set up in the best way. Have a beautiful rest of your day!
Kris Paul
469-293-3079 x106 | |