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adcantrell is not online. Last active: 1/6/2025 11:30:46 AM adcantrell
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Mobile Intake - Printing Client Forms
Posted: 24 Jul 2019 04:42 PM
Still trying to figure out this new mobile intake process. We still use a paper file so you can see their info even if you can't quickly pull up their online file.

I had a client fill out the mobile intake and return her forms. I wanted to print them for the pregnancy decision coach to use in the counseling room. I saw where you could save and print, but it did not show it as if she had just filled out the forms. I tried to open the forms to print, but it only showed it as a pop up box on the preview page.

I would like the paper file to look the same if she filled out the forms online or by hand if that is possible.

Also, it did not ask the questions for the pregnancy test such as LMP and intentions. Should we plan to have her fill that form out by hand vs mobile intake or should I have created a new form for that and sent it to her as well?

Angie Cantrell
St. Clair Co. Sav-A-Life, Inc.
Springville, AL
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 2/3/2025 10:42:51 AM ashleighg
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Re: Mobile Intake - Printing Client Forms
Posted: 24 Jul 2019 05:38 PM
Hello Adcantrell,
It's great to hear from you, I am so happy you are utilizing our most recent update! Once the data has been entered and saved to their file you do not have the option for a full print of forms but instead a "File Summary Report" as it is meant to be an electronic medical record (EMR) and not a full file download. with that said it does include the most pertinent information.

In regards to the Pregnancy Test Form you have the option for the client to fill out ALL information *except* for those questions under the Office Use Only (OUO) section which is for staff to fill out, this includes due date, test type, assessment and intentions. LMP is the first question asked on the form and you have the ability to show/hide the question when sending to your client.

if you'd like additional assistance talking through the mobile forms give your Account Manager a call and she can help you further.

brianp is not online. Last active: 2/10/2025 12:36:51 AM brianp
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Re: Mobile Intake - Printing Client Forms
Posted: 24 Jul 2019 06:11 PM
Dear adcantrell,

The primary goal of the mobile forms is to help you go paperless. Once the forms are returned, you review the data in the Quick Form by clicking the "Start Intake" button (don't forget to select a case to apply the forms to).

So your workflow should be...

1-Center send forms to client
2-Client completes and returns forms via Mobile Intake application.
3-Under Office/Mobile Intake inbox, expand row of returned form and click Start Intake
4-This opens the Quick Form displaying all data & forms client completed. Client Advocate reviews data in Quick Form (and optionally adds additional data - e.g. pregnancy test, notes etc...) and then saves to client file.
5-You can then print a file summary report under client file if you still want a hard copy.

Also note, you can check out the Audit Log tab for any changes applied to the client file after saving the QuickForm.

That's about it. Be sure to watch the Mobile Intake videos within the release notes. They walk you through the entire process.

Hope that helps.

adcantrell is not online. Last active: 1/6/2025 11:30:46 AM adcantrell
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Re: Mobile Intake - Printing Client Forms
Posted: 25 Jul 2019 10:36 AM
Thank you both for your responses.If there is a way to make it possible to print the forms off, that would be great for those of us who are not yet ready to go paperless, but want to incorporate the mobile options.

I tried to use the mobile intake on our Ipad to review the questions with the client to fill in any missed questions, but the screen was cut off and I could not see the full screen. I could see everything on the computer screen, but not on the ipad. I suppose we could use a laptop, but the ipad is less cumbersome in a counseling session.

Angie Cantrell
St. Clair Co. Sav-A-Life, Inc.
Springville, AL
brianp is not online. Last active: 2/10/2025 12:36:51 AM brianp
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Re: Mobile Intake - Printing Client Forms
Posted: 25 Jul 2019 10:43 AM
The Mobile Intake app is designed for phones and ipads. the screen should not be cut off. Are you sure your in the Mobile Intake app?

ashleighg is not online. Last active: 2/3/2025 10:42:51 AM ashleighg
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Re: Mobile Intake - Printing Client Forms
Posted: 25 Jul 2019 10:45 AM
Hello Angie,
As Brian stated if you are in the Mobile Intake App, where the client fills out the mobile forms, and not in CenterPiece it shouldn't be cut off. Please give us a call so we are able to help you troubleshoot further.

adcantrell is not online. Last active: 1/6/2025 11:30:46 AM adcantrell
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Re: Mobile Intake - Printing Client Forms
Posted: 25 Jul 2019 12:56 PM
No, I was using safari and went in that way using the qr code. That may have been the problem. I think I also went out from there and logged in ekyros to see her file.

Angie Cantrell
St. Clair Co. Sav-A-Life, Inc.
Springville, AL
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