Yearly Care Net report Posted: 12 Feb 2013 02:43 PM |
Question 38 on the yearly Care Net report asks how many clients initially assessed as AB decided to abort. In looking at the files, it seems to pull the 'last stated intention' as an absolute. I have not recorded an AB outcome for these clients, so the number really isn't accurate.
How do I correct this? I don't have enough information to change their risk assessment as they just never came back or we can't contact them.
Georgia |
Joined: 11 Apr 2011 |
Total Posts: 252 |
Re: Yearly Care Net report Posted: 12 Feb 2013 03:04 PM |
Hi Georgia,
On question 38, Care Net has asked us to pull the total number of unique clietns who had a case opened during the time range, and to count those initially assessed (on the Case Form) as abortion minded and who received at least one ultrasound (whew!). Care Net has asked that if the outcome is "unable to contact" or blank, that we count it based on the last stated intentions of the client recorded on the At Risk Timeline. If you don't have an outcome in, and if it would be "unable to contact", the number there will be accurate since CN has asked us (in those instances) to refer to the last stated intentions of the client.
I hope this makes sense!
Amy |
Re: Yearly Care Net report Posted: 12 Feb 2013 03:10 PM |
It makes sense. I was just worried about the number based on the assumption since I didn't have confirmation of an AB.
G. |
Joined: 11 Apr 2011 |
Total Posts: 252 |
Re: Yearly Care Net report Posted: 12 Feb 2013 03:10 PM |
Hi Georgia,
I know what you mean. This is how Care Net has requested that we pull this number.
Amy |