Client Case Statistics Posted: 05 Jan 2010 08:03 PM |
Hi, everyone. I think it is important that centers understand that the statistics generated by this report are based on cases created, not the clients. For example,
1. A client comes into the center during the year for four pregnancy tests. Four cases will be created for her. Her statistical data will be counted four times.
2. A client came to the center in 2008 for a pregnancy test. A case was created for her. The pregnancy test was positive. In 2009, she received services pertaining to that pregnancy. No new case was created. Her statistics would not count at all because a new case was not created for her in 2009.
According to the Client Case Statistics for age, we had 193 cases in the 15-19 age bracket. By running the Unique Client by Date Range for the same date range and actually counting the ages of each client, we discovered that we only had 159 clients in that age bracket.
I understand it now and have explained it to the others in the center who work on statistical reports to our board members. I imagine that if we've been misunderstanding it wrong all this time, other centers have been, too.
I've been thinking about this for several days and still haven't been able to come up with a reason we should be interested in cases instead of clients. Would you try to help me with that? I'm sure I'm missing something.
Thanks as always for your patience.
Karole |
Re: Client Case Statistics Posted: 06 Jan 2010 06:40 PM |
You are correct, the "Client Case Statistics" provide you information specific to the CASES created at your center, not clients being seen. The description of this statistic states "Analyze client cases created at your center. " This is to provide you information specific to the CASE not the client.
There are centers that prefer looking at case specific information, as cases are your "support cycles" of a client. A client, as you found, may have multiple different support cycles within a year. She may come in January for a pregnancy test that was positive, due to "choice" she returns in May for post-abortion counseling. You would want to see the demographics, and information that is case specific to see and understand the different circumstances and how your center served her.
I believe that the "Unique Clients Served by Date Range" is going to be, as you stated, what best suits you and your centers needs in reporting to the board.
As a side note, what were you exactly expecting or hoping for when pulling the "Client Case Statsitics?" How could we better word the "description" so that it is more understandable?
As always you are appreciated and valued for your attention to detail and willingness to share your thoughts with us. Have a GREAT day!
Ashleigh |
Re: Client Case Statistics Posted: 07 Jan 2010 09:17 AM |
Good question. I know it says Clients Cases, but we were thinking "case" information was for clients - what is really the Client File. Maybe an extra sentence giving a heads up that it's NOT that for clarification.
I use the Unique Clients by Date Range whenever I can, but it is limited. To get accurate stats for clients by zip code or age, we have to export the "View as List" to Excel and count them. Ethnicity information is not even available there.
I did ethnicity last night, and it was extremely time consuming. I ran the "Monthly Clients Served" statistics with ethnicity as the measure. I had hoped to be able to click on the grand total, export the list, delete duplicates and count, but the grand total list doesn't include ethnicity information. I had to export the total of each ethnicity specification, delete the duplicates and count. It's easy using the Client Case stats, but that's cases and not clients. Not what we need.
Karole |
Re: Client Case Statistics Posted: 07 Jan 2010 05:09 PM |
I will request "Ethnicity" as well as "Age" and "Zip Code" be added to the Unique Clients Served by Date Range Report. Thank you for your feedback and attention to detail!
Ashleigh |
Re: Client Case Statistics Posted: 12 May 2010 03:23 PM |
I was just looking for a way to determine what percentage of our clients came from our county, which I needed to fill out a request for funding. It seems that this thread was seeking something similar, so I thought I'd just tack on here.
What is currently the easiest way to answer that question? It seems like I either can sort by zip code, but with all client visits (so a client may be counted more than once), or I can filter the zip code list by specifying new clients, but that doesn't count those we are already serving who weren't new during that specific time period.
Am I missing an option, or do I just need to start counting?
Thanks for your help! |
Joined: 01 Mar 2009 |
Total Posts: 69 |
Re: Client Case Statistics Posted: 12 May 2010 04:28 PM |
Hi Karen, thank you for your inquiry. One way would be to run the Unique Clients Served By Date Range Report. Set any range your would like, even multiple years, then Run Report, then View as List, Order by Subheading State, or Zip Code and then Export to Excel. Excel will inturn give you a column count. Thanks for the question.
Re: Client Case Statistics Posted: 17 Jul 2014 01:58 PM |
I was interested in this information as well.
Will "Ethnicity" be added to the Unique Clients Served by Date Range Report?
This would be very helpful.
Currently, I run the Monthly Clients Served Statistics, export to Excel, subtract clients from the current month (to get results for the YTD to the previous complete month), then sort by Ethnicity and then see the total for the first group, delete that group and repeat for all ethnic groups.
It works, but it would be so nice to be able to have this information more readily available.
Thank you! |
Re: Client Case Statistics Posted: 17 Jul 2014 02:07 PM |
Hi NJWomensCenter,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us! Can you email me your centers information so I can add a note to your account detailing your feedback? Also are you referring to the Unique Clients Served by Location or Unique Clients Served by Center?
I will be sure to pass this along to the development team to be considered for a future update. Have a great day!
Ashleigh |