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 Author Thread: 03-22-2007 Update
brianp is not online. Last active: 7/24/2024 3:46:42 PM brianp
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Joined: 01 Aug 2002
Total Posts: 1244
03-22-2007 Update
Posted: 22 Mar 2007 08:23 AM
Below is a list of enhancements included in 3/22/2007 update. If you have any questions or comments about this release, please reply directly to this post. Thanks for your feedback and support!

Donor Management

Donations Report

-Report Options: Added Donor filter. This allows you to find all donations for a specific Donor.
-Report Options: Added Church filter. This allows you to find all donations for Donors linked to a specific Church.

Batch Receipts Report

-Report View: Fixed minor bug in address window on top part of report. The address was using FirstName LastName versus the ProperName field in the address. This resulted in the Donor titles not being displayed in the address. This is has been fixed. The address now uses the ProperName field.

Client Files, Donor Files and Staff Files reports

-All File reports have been updated to include a Church filter in the report options. This allows you to easily find which files are linked to a church.

Bug Fixes

-Staff/Vol list on all activity forms. This list resides on all the client activity forms (e.g. pregnancy test, sonogram etc...). When a Staff files is marked "InActive", the person is no longer displayed in the list when creating new forms. This helps keep your Staff lists small. However, when editing a form that has an "InActive" Staff file previously selected, the list would display "Unknown" when it should display the "InActive" staff/vol. All forms have been updated to display the correct "InActive" Staff file instead of "Unknown" in edit mode.

**Thanks to Sarah Miller for finding this bug!!**

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