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brianp is not online. Last active: 1/20/2025 1:42:07 PM brianp
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12-16-2006 Update
Posted: 16 Dec 2006 12:36 PM
CenterPiece™ Version 5.3.1 Update / Enhancement List

Below is a list of enhancements included in this update. If you have any questions or comments about this release, please reply directly to this post. Thanks for your feedback and support!

Client Management

CareNet Report

-The report has been updated to reflect the changes made by CareNet for the 2007 reporting period.
-New user guide for the CareNet report. The user guide details where totals in each section of the report are pulled from within CenterPiece.

NOTE: CareNet broke-out the "options/parenting" program name total for Q9 and Q10 in the old report to "Pregnancy Options" and "Parenting" (Q7 and Q8) in the new report. During the CenterPiece upgrade, the "options/parenting" program was renamed to "Pregnancy Options". All classes (individual & group) and concepts shared forms that were originally assigned to the "options/parenting" program now point to the "Pregnancy Options" progam name. A new program name called "Parenting" was also added. During the upgrade, we could not automate updating your class lists and concepts lists to point to the "Parenting" program name. This will need to be done manually by you or your staff.

Follow the steps below to update your class list and concepts list to the "Parenting" program name:

Update class list program names:

1-Open the Office Use Only form (Client Managment/Office forms)
2-Scroll down the form to the "Individual Education" section
3-Click the "Edit List" link on the yellow bar at the bottom of the list (the class list dialog opens)
4-Edit each class name that should be associated to the "Parenting" program and assign "Parenting" to the program name column.

Update the concepts list program names:

1-Open the Office Use Only form (Client Managment/Office forms)
2-Scroll down the form to the "Concepts Shared" section
3-Click the "Edit List" link on the yellow bar at the bottom of "Q3 Concepts Shared:" (the concepts shared list dialog opens)
4-Edit each concept name that should be associated to "Parenting" and assign "Parenting" to the program name column.

For a more detailed step by step walk through on how to update the lists above, please see the new CareNet user guide. The user guide includes screen shots during each step of the process. You can download the user guide from under the PRC Software tab on, or from within CenterPiece. In CenterPiece, just open the CareNet report and click on the user guide link.

Option Ultrasound Report

-Sections of the report have been updated to reflect the latest terminology used by Focus on the Family.

-Added yellow total boxes for Q6 and Q22.

Case Visit Form

-Added "STD Screening" to the Primary Purpose list

Referrals Form

-Updated the Referral List in Q2 to be editable. You can now add referral types specific to your center.
-Updated the Referrals section of the Office Use Only form to add the ability to setup/manage the list.

Contact Form - Primary Language

-added option "Vietnamese"
-added option "Other"

Donor Management


-Added "Donor Designation" report. This report will allow you to print out donations by designation.
-Added "(All) to the "HoldMail" filter option. Valid options are: (All), Yes, No.

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