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1.Case Form—Spiritual Status
Posted by smcadoo on 1/23/2006 10:43:09 AM
In the Release Notes, on page 7, it is explained why it is important to be able to track the history of a clients’ pregnancy intentions, which may change from visit to visit. The same can be said of a clients’ spiritual status. Since this data is currently on the Case Form, it seems that each time there is a change, this information will have to be updated; therefore, erasing the history of the clients’ previous spiritual status.

It would be much more helpful if we were able ...
2.Re: Case Form—Spiritual Status
Posted by smcadoo on 1/25/2006 10:55:25 AM
Thank you for your response and all of your help!

After reading your reply, I have another question I didn't think of while we were on the phone. You spoke of a new report being added that will allow us to run a report on the different concepts that were shared, including gospel presented.

On our form, this concept is worded "Spiritual-Gospel" rather than "presented gospel." If a spiritual discussion took place, but the ...
3.Initial Visit form - Primary Reason for Visit
Posted by smcadoo on 1/20/2006 12:34:22 PM
Currently we can only enter one Initial Visit form per client. However, in the new version, it seems we can enter multiple Initial Visit forms for one client. It is not clear in the Release Notes whether the Initial Visit form is now meant to be completed for each client visit or still only once per client. It is neither necessary nor helpful to have one per visit. In my opinion, it makes the most sense to complete one Initial Visit form per client case level. This way, if a 2004 client returns ...
4.CareNet Annual Report
Posted by smcadoo on 1/23/2006 2:20:47 PM
I just received our 2006 Affiliation Renewal packet from CareNet. I noticed some differences between this form and what I see on ekyros' new release. Perhaps you are already aware, or some of them may be intentional. But if not, I noticed that under the section titled “Center Program Statistics (New Cases Only),” there are three questions listed that are not in this same section on the paper form. Questions 11, 12 and 13 (re: Ultrasound and STD testing) are included in “Part 3: Center ...
5.Case Form - "Status"
Posted by smcadoo on 1/23/2006 12:18:19 PM
Is there any reason why the “Notes” are not linked to a particular Case level? On the Client Activity Summary page, the Notes are listed by date, but there is no Case # assigned in the left-hand column.

Case Form - "Status"
In testing out the site, I created a fake client with different cases. I went into client Case #1 and changed the "Status" from "Open" to "Closed" and clicked on "Save." I then clicked ...
6.Reports - Center Location
Posted by smcadoo on 1/23/2006 4:02:53 PM
In the new release, I notice that in all or most of the Reports and Statistics, the "Center Location" option has been removed from the measures and added in as a separate line.

I really like the fact that we will now be able to do a search by each Center individually. However, it would also be great if we could still have the option of running one report that included all Center locations, with the stats broken down by location.

From what I can see ...
7.Great Job!
Posted by smcadoo on 1/20/2006 10:04:48 AM
I just want to say Thank You! You guys have put a lot of work into this and it looks great! I love the new setup, the dialogue boxes that pop up are going to be so much easier to work with than going to a new screen every time! And I really like being able to see all the client information on one page, as under the "Cases" tab. I do have some questions and comments. I will post them separately by topic.

Thanks for all your hard work will make our work a little ...
Posted by smcadoo on 11/15/2005 3:49:28 PM
Would you consider making the Referral form so that Centers could Edit it to their own needs and community services? This would help us a great deal as I'm sure it would others.

For example, I don't see the distinction between "Adoption" and "Adoption Support," we are only using the "Adoption" option. Also what would "Positive Proof of Pregnancy" be used for? There are a couple others that we would either change ...
9.Focus Option Ultrasound Report
Posted by smcadoo on 11/9/2005 11:40:08 AM
Could you please tell us the difference between #1 "Total number of client visits this month" and #2 "Total number of individual clients seen this month"?

Where are these numbers being pulled from? Are all clients, including those who return weekly for classes, included in this report?

Also, on #8 "Salvation and New Believers" what is the source for these numbers? The number on our Focus Option Ultrasound Report ...
10.Re: Focus Option Ultrasound Report
Posted by smcadoo on 11/16/2005 1:35:49 PM

Thanks for your help.

Our reports, as I mentioned in my previous email, are still not matching. When I compare the Option Ultrasound report, Section 8b "How many people became new believers in Christ?" to the Center Productivity Report -- "All Spiritual Activity" section / "Profession of Faith" category -- I get two different numbers. I am looking at our Norfolk location for October 05. (Our medical clinic just opened in ...
11.Considering Abortion Stats
Posted by smcadoo on 11/15/2005 4:09:53 PM

What is the source for tracking "Considering Abortion" stats on the Statistics/Pregnancy Test Form? Would it be #14 on the Preg Test form or the Initial Assessment (before or after)?

I understand the stats for "Changed Abortion View" are pulled from the Assessment Before and Assessment After Support, is this correct?

Thank you,
12.Re: Considering Abortion Stats
Posted by smcadoo on 11/16/2005 12:01:42 PM
Thanks Carlye,

Is the measure "Considering Abortion" going to pull all clients regardless of the test result?

For example, when I run a Statistics report on the Pregnancy Test Form, searching by Center Location and Changed Abortion View, it breaks it down into several categories including "Negative / Inconclusive." So I assume that the "Did Not Change Abortion View" and "Changed Abortion View" categories include only ...
13.Client Statistics & Reports
Posted by smcadoo on 8/8/2005 2:13:44 PM
We are having a major problem reconciling the numbers on the Center Productivity Report as well as Client Statistics forms with our actual client numbers.

How are the "Return" clients quantified? Where is this data being pulled from? How do you determine the difference between "New" and "Return" clients?

If a client is listed for an intial visit in July as well as having attended four group classes in July, is she ...
14.Re: Client Statistics & Reports
Posted by smcadoo on 8/16/2005 3:09:33 PM
Thanks for your answers. I have a couple more questions for you.

1. In the Statistics report for Client Appointments: On the Drilldown page, under the "Staff/Vol Name" column, what is the number in parenthesis for?

2. In the Statistics report for Client Activity: How are you quantifying the "Pregnancy Test" numbers? Does this number include only the pregnancy tests performed at the Center? Or does it include the tests ...
15.Re: Client Statistics & Reports
Posted by smcadoo on 8/19/2005 11:57:02 AM
Thanks again. Hopefully you can answer a few more questions for me!

1) In the Statistics reports: There is a "Time" field that only lists one option ("Date of Appointment" or "Date of Visit" etc.) Is it possible to add the option of selecting only one specific month at a time?

2) Also in the Statistics reports: would it be possible to add a 4th search field so we could search by "Status" ...
16.Re: Client Statistics & Reports
Posted by smcadoo on 9/15/2005 1:32:52 PM
Is there any way possible to track a client's changed mind on abortion AFTER follow-up care?

For example: we see Susie Jones, who is initially "abortion-minded," on 8/26. At the end of the session, her counselor makes an assesment that the client is still "abortion-vulnerable/undecided." However, after two weeks the client comes back for a follow-up visit and communicates that she has decided not to abort, but to carry the baby to term. ...
17.marital status
Posted by smcadoo on 4/15/2005 4:10:39 PM
On the Initial Visit Form, question #4: "What is your parent's marital status?" Would you please consider adding a "Never Married" category? For many of our clients who have parents like this, none of the other categories really seem like an appropriate fit and adding this one would be helpful.
Thank you!
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