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Joined: 06-12-2013 02:07 PM
Last Login: 02-11-2014 03:47 PM
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adlane has contributed to 8 out of 7,777 total posts (0.10% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
total historical giving by donor 6/12/2013 2:34:58 PM   (Total replies: 2)
We send a letter to our donors when they reach a giving milestone...$1000, $5000, $10000 and so on. I can't find a way to run a report that lists all givers with a total of giving over a specified amount. Is this possible? If not, please consider it as a future update.

Re: total historical giving by donor 6/12/2013 3:31:41 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I did it! Thank you!

Searching by notes 2/11/2014 4:00:18 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I would like to be able to run a report to show all Donor files that had a note added in a specific date range.

Re: Searching by notes 3/18/2014 2:21:37 PM   (Total replies: 1)
One example would be this: I wanted to run a report of all the donors who had an address change in the last year. I always add a note when I change an address. If I could search by notes, I could pull that up easily.

Re: Searching by notes 3/18/2014 3:51:11 PM   (Total replies: 1)
searching by keyword would be awesome, but I would settle for all files with a note added during a specific time frame.

Re: Ministry Sync compatability 6/12/2013 2:38:01 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I was wondering how close this was to being completed. We just finished our walk and would like to upload it from MS to eKYROS.

Donor Retention 8/29/2013 4:21:40 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Just wondered if any one had a strategy to reach out to donors who are slowly slipping away. We send 24 hour turnaround thank you's for every donation and a monthly update letter to all donors. But we are losing some regular givers and don't know what to do to get them back. We designed a reminder postcard for those who have pledged at a banquet, but haven't come up with anything for our non-pledging regular givers who we are losing. Any input would be appreciated!

Re: Donor Retention 3/18/2014 2:28:09 PM   (Total replies: 1)
My question wasn't so much about how to utilize ekyros to determine who these donors were...I really just wanted to know what strategies centers were using to bring these donors back...we already have the donors identified. I just need to know what to do with them to reenergize them...postcards, letters, phone calls, etc. Anyone have a strategy that works? I'm not seeing much response sending out postcards & letters.

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