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Joined: 05-17-2007 11:03 AM
Last Login: 03-24-2010 03:53 PM
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LouAnne has contributed to 35 out of 7,777 total posts (0.45% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Emailing from Donor List 8/30/2010 9:04:45 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Is there any way that we can email recpts. to our Donors from Ekyros itself. Or is this something that you are looking to do in the near future. We have quite a few donors that do not want us to send recpts. via snail mail b/c of the postage and I guess postage will be going up again!! Right now I am having to do each individually and it is very time consuming! Maybe I am doing it wrong. If you could let me know that would be WONDERFUL!!!! Thanks so much!! In Him Lou Anne

Keywords 12/20/2007 2:06:11 PM   (Total replies: 2)
Is there anyway that we can print lists or Labels from the KeyWords We use this to identify different people for different activities. For ex: We have people from our Banquet that want volunteer training info so I put in the Key Word section Volunteer Training. It gives me the names but I can't print them.

Scheduler Phone #'s & DOB 2/1/2011 10:58:42 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Me AGAIN!! When putting in a NEW client appointment there is no prompt to put a phone # or DOB. We use this as follow up if a person is a "No Show" and if someone calls in to change an appointment to verify who we are speaking to. It is easy to forget to ask if there isn't something there to remind you. Sorry to be such a pest but we have a lot of volunteers and we want this to be as easy a possible for them. Lou Anne

Re: Scheduler Phone #'s & DOB 2/1/2011 12:11:57 PM   (Total replies: 0)
That is what we are doing but it is easy to forget to ask when things are busy and volunteers do not do it enough to remember everytime so if you may consider adding this to the form it would be appreciated....Thanks I really don't mean to be a pest!

Daily Notes 2/1/2011 8:10:41 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi there!! I just logged on to Ekyros and saw the update for the Daily Notes, that is great BUT it really needs to be on the Scheduler since that is where appointmentts are made and you need to know who is in or not. Is there anyway of doing that. Also, on the Scheduler when putting in Staff/Volunteer it brings up EVERYONE that has been here as staff or volunteer even though they are no longer active. I know that you can enter in the first letters of the last name BUT not all the people ...

Printing Expenses From Event 11/22/2010 1:18:32 PM   (Total replies: 0)
Hi there!! I am trying to print the expenses from our Banquet and can not figure out how to do that I have tried a couple different things and I am only getting a part of the list from the Event. Could you please let me know how to get them! THANX In Him Lou Anne

Uploading Information From Excel Spreadsheet 9/1/2010 8:21:03 AM   (Total replies: 1)
Hi Again!! I am wondering about uploading information from excel to Ekyros is something tht we can do ourselves? Thanks Lou Anne

Emailing from Donor Files 7/27/2010 3:56:29 PM   (Total replies: 0)
We have donors that do not want snail mail they want us to email them their statements to save us $. We would really like to start doing this with all our donors that have email. Can I do this without having to go through WORD saving attaching ect...

Re: Blank Pages 6/30/2010 11:18:34 AM   (Total replies: 0)
Hi Leah I was having the same problem and what I discovered when you export to Word you can go into Edit and Select All then to File and Page Set Up and change your bottom margin to .17" it will take care of having that extra page. Do a Print Preview just to make sure! LMK how it works for you!! Lou Anne Choices PC

email addresses 3/24/2010 3:56:10 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Can I some how get the email addresses from my Donor base to my Outlook Contacts? We want to send out a mass email and it seems like there sould be a way to do that since the info is there. Thanks for your help!!! Lou Anne

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