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Joined: 04-27-2010 03:31 PM
Last Login: 04-08-2014 02:22 PM
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GeorgiaHilton has contributed to 60 out of 7,777 total posts (0.77% of total).
Most Recent Posts:
Re: Care Net Report- FOB and Exit Survey 4/8/2014 2:33:02 PM   (Total replies: 1)
I've seen the place for FOB. Where will the evaluation question be? Will it be incorporated with each "case visit" or a separate report? Georgia

Re: Care Net Report- FOB and Exit Survey 4/8/2014 2:47:06 PM   (Total replies: 2)
Thanks Amy, Yes, we are doing the survey at the end of each appointment. I currently don't track who the counselor is. (Frankly that takes too much time and we can always look it up in the file if we ever need the info.) Do you plan to ask who the counselor is? G.

Re: Care Net Report- FOB and Exit Survey 4/8/2014 3:19:51 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Currently, we are just putting them into a large envelope. We've started just so our counselors can get used to it. The client does not put their name on it and she fills it out while her next appointment is being made. The question is, where will that info be entered? If it's recorded with each visit, then it WILL be attached to the client's file. There's no way around that. We will also need to put it in her file so that I can see it. I guess you could create a daily or weekly report ...

SSN & phone fields 3/13/2013 12:37:32 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Please consider making the SSN & phone fields to kick out if the appropriate number of digits are not entered. I accidentally found out that I had only entered 8 numbers for the SSN. It would be nice to be alerted if all the numbers aren't entered. Sort of a "dummy" alert. LOL Thanks, Georgia

Case Form # 12 3/12/2013 1:09:06 PM   (Total replies: 1)
We are a college town and have lots of students. They are not dependents, but checking 'unemployed' doesn't really seem accurate. What do you recommend? Georgia

Re: Case Form # 12 3/12/2013 2:15:39 PM   (Total replies: 1)
If they have scholarships/grants would I list those amounts as 'income?" I either put "college" or "unemployed" on their contact info, but those stats don't show up in the same place. I am trying to differentiate between college clients and unemployed clients. What report would show both of those stats? Thanks, g.

Client file numbers 2/13/2013 12:15:30 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Is it possible to edit the client file numbers? We use our own to meet requirements of our organization. I enter my file number in the key words so I can always search for it, but I would like for it to show up somewhere in the reports. Is that possible? Thanks, G.

Re: Yearly Care Net report 2/12/2013 3:10:07 PM   (Total replies: 1)
It makes sense. I was just worried about the number based on the assumption since I didn't have confirmation of an AB. Thanks, G.

Yearly Care Net report 2/12/2013 2:43:57 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Question 38 on the yearly Care Net report asks how many clients initially assessed as AB decided to abort. In looking at the files, it seems to pull the 'last stated intention' as an absolute. I have not recorded an AB outcome for these clients, so the number really isn't accurate. How do I correct this? I don't have enough information to change their risk assessment as they just never came back or we can't contact them. Thanks, Georgia

Another Care Net question 2/12/2013 2:57:40 PM   (Total replies: 1)
Obviously I'm working on the Care Net report ;-) My number of new cases and my number of pregnancy tests is off by ONE. (That means on one case I didn't check pg test.) How would I even begin to track that down? It would take forever to look at each file individually. HELP... Georgia

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