Joined: 11 Sep 2006 |
Total Posts: 14 |
Workflow Improvement -- Suggestions; getting files checked off Posted: 06 Feb 2012 01:45 PM |
Recently we've been having more problems with workflow at our center. For the clients that come in the counselors fill out a hardcopyform on paper day to day (haven't looked at it thoroughly), for the pregnancy test, general info for each initial visit, request for services there are each different forms. For the printed files that go in folders we have a client vist log and a baby bucks tracking record log. Someone else then enters the files into ekyros and they are checked by someone else and verified with the person who put them in the computer.
Each year at the beginning of the year we try to do a new general information form for that year so the date in ekyros changes for the General Info form is changed and updated, the old form is kept on paper file.
The layout of the concept shared, closet buetiques, and notes in ekyros all have to each be opened up individually. Couldn't they all be combined on one form, or similar to what they are in the hard copy? you could keep the backend of the ekyros database the same.
Would it be possible for we ourselves to change ekyros to match the hardcopy paper files to eliminate confusion?
Ideally we could complete the file as soon as we get it...
I realize we could also eliminate some steps we go through, :)
Does anyone in the forums have any additional advice or ideas to help improve workflow?
I'll have to research it some. Here is an old intro level book I remember reading some on the subject: Groupware, Workflow and Intranets: Re-engineering the Enterprise with Collaborative Software by Dave Chaffey (Paperback - Aug 3, 1998)
Thanks for your time and support
Jesus Bless |
Re: Workflow Improvement -- Suggestions; getting files checked off Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:47 PM |
Hi Rico,
It's great to hear from you. I apologize in the delay of getting back to you. Please give us a call and we can talk further in depth regarding your questions and concerns. We look forward to talking to you soon. (469) 293-3079
Ashleigh Guilmette |
Re: Workflow Improvement -- Suggestions; getting files checked off Posted: 18 Jul 2014 12:35 PM |
I'm not sure if this helps much or is even what your asking for, but this is what I created to help our volunteers capture what happened during a visit so the data inputers know what to record in ekyros. For each client visit we just circle what happened with that client. For instance if she was a new client for a pregnancy test the volunteer would circle New Client, Client Intake Form, Pregnancy Test, Pregnancy History (if client has any), Pregnancy Test, Concepts, and Follow Ups (to have Follow ups scheduled on + Preg. test client)
When the volunteers are finished capturing everything they did with their client, they clip this Client Data Management Slip to the outside of the client's file and place it in the data entry box. When the data entry volunteer enters the information all she needs to do is look at the slip to know what needs to be entered. We use ekyros' client intakes and specialized them for our center. I hope this helps.
Advocates Initials __________
Date _______ Client #________
New Client TPCN
New Case Case Visit
Client Intake Form
Pregnancy History-Children
Pregnancy Test Or Retest
Schedule Follow Ups
Concepts FSReport
Spiritual Counseling Form
Individual (1) or Group Classes (2+)
(circle one) Lesson by # only, not name
Lesson # ___________________
DVD# _____________________
Literature# _________________
Other: _____________________
Group Class________________
Took Group Class with:
(partner/ relationship of client)
Item ____________________
Number _________________
( #) = times of contact made
Phone- # of calls___
Text- # of texts___
Fax- # of faxes___
Card Mailed
Email- # of emails___
(Circle which)Follow up done:
Initial follow up
2nd Trimester
3rd Trimester
Due Date
Sent BBGB certificate
Set Pregnancy Outcome
Edit Follow-up
Client Case Note
See Activity Log
Joined: 11 Apr 2011 |
Total Posts: 252 |
Re: Workflow Improvement -- Suggestions; getting files checked off Posted: 18 Jul 2014 12:37 PM |
Thank you, raynars220, for weighing in on this topic and sharing your expertise! |
Re: Workflow Improvement -- Suggestions; getting files checked off Posted: 18 Jul 2014 01:45 PM |
Quote from original post:
The layout of the concept shared, closet buetiques, and notes in ekyros all have to each be opened up individually. Couldn't they all be combined on one form, or similar to what they are in the hard copy? you could keep the backend of the ekyros database the same.
Are you using the Quickform under Client Management to enter the files? This combines all forms into 1 form. Please call us if you have questions. |