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raynars220 is not online. Last active: 7/22/2014 12:02:02 PM raynars220
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Client Program Statistics
Posted: 17 Feb 2011 07:45 AM
Hello, everyone. Would you please consider removing Concepts Shared from this statistical report? Concepts Shared are not programs. Telling clients that we have parenting classes available is obviously very different from having them participate in our parenting classes. Statistically for us last year, we had 37 women who came into our Center who had prior abortions and were told about our abortion recovery ministry. Not one client actually received post-abortion counseling, yet all 37 show up on the Care-Net Report because that concept was included in the count.
If we want to include Concepts Shared, we could easily run the "Concepts Shared Statistics" and add them to the Client Program Statistics, but there is no easy way to subtract them.
Thanks as always for your help.
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 2/3/2025 10:42:51 AM ashleighg
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Re: Client Program Statistics
Posted: 17 Feb 2011 12:02 PM
Hi Karole,
It's great to hear from you. We base what is included in the CareNet Report upon their requirements. If a concept is shared/discussed with a client it should be included, as it was covered with the client. While she may not have chosen to go through the specific class or receive education you still shared that concept with her and she now knows it is available.

raynars220 is not online. Last active: 7/22/2014 12:02:02 PM raynars220
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Re: Client Program Statistics
Posted: 06 Mar 2011 08:17 AM
Hi, Ashleigh. I've been thinking about your reply. I talked to Cindy at CareNet about this in October and Elise last month, and both said they were only interested in the number of clients who actually participated in programs, so I'm confused about the discrepancy.
Also, both of their comments were that you should be basing the information you provide on what the centers need since we're the ones who pay for the service. We want is to be able to compare the number of clients we told about specific programs with the ones who actually participated in them.
Thanks as always,
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 2/3/2025 10:42:51 AM ashleighg
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Re: Client Program Statistics
Posted: 07 Mar 2011 12:59 PM
Hi Karole,
We would love to talk to you more in depth about your concerns. Please contact your Account Manager as soon as you have time. We try to provide a service that is easy for centers to utilize, talking directly to CareNet and Focus on the Family, based upon their requirements for reporting purposes so they are accurate and true to what they're requesting. We look forward to talking with you soon.

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