Counselor drop down Posted: 03 May 2010 04:23 PM |
Hi, everyone. We're trying to clean up our volunteer files and drop down list which has gotten very, very long and includes several long-gone counselors. We can't delete them, because they're linked to client cases. We've tried changing their names to Unknown, but evidently they're filtered by number and not name.
What to do?
Karole for Rayna |
Joined: 01 Mar 2009 |
Total Posts: 69 |
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 03 May 2010 04:28 PM |
Hi Karole, Hope you and your staff are having a wonderful day. Yes, you can clean up your volunteer data base. Select each volunteer that you would like to remove from the drop down list. Then select the Status option at the bottom of their General Tab. Deselect the Active Check Box, thus making the volunteer 'inactive'. They will no longer apear on your drop downs. Sincerely, Christij |
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 03 May 2010 05:10 PM |
Hi Karole,
You don't want to delete the staff/volunteer because this will in turn lose all the history tied to client files. To remove them from the drop down of forms but maintain the history follow the steps below. Have a great day!
-Staff Management
-Locate the staff file you wish to remove from the drop down, open
-Lower left corner, uncheck "Active" and click "Save and close"
This will mark them as inactive no longer providing the option of their name but again maintain the history. |
Joined: 19 Aug 2008 |
Total Posts: 48 |
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 16 Jun 2010 01:32 PM |
One glitch I have found with this is that if I go back to correct something (i.e. misspelling in notes, etc.) the inactive volunteer's name disappears completely. This is also a problem in the donor files. I would like to see who met with the client without having to pull an old file. Solution?
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 16 Jun 2010 06:32 PM |
Hi Delaine,
Can you be more specific? I have tested this in the demo room and cannot duplicate the issue you are stating. The only issue I find is if you go to add a new form to that specific case visit you cannot select that staff name for staff/volunteer.
Ashleigh |
Joined: 19 Aug 2008 |
Total Posts: 48 |
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 17 Jun 2010 11:38 AM |
I've been cleaning up old files and when I edit something that was entered with an old volunteer's name (one that is now "inactive"), once I save the changes, her name disappears. So there is a blank area in the activity tab under the volunteer column. The same thing happens with donor files. |
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 17 Jun 2010 05:11 PM |
Hi Delaine,
I cannot duplicate this error. Are you deleting the file under client managment? If you go to add a *NEW* form the staff/volunteer name that is inactive will not be available, however I have tried editing closet/boutiques, individual education, and note and doing a save & close with no problem and it maintains the staff/volunteer name.
I look forward to hearing from you and helping you work through this issue. Have a great day.
Ashleigh |
Joined: 19 Aug 2008 |
Total Posts: 48 |
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 21 Jun 2010 12:30 PM |
No I'm not deleting the file.
I guess I'm just not explaining it well enough. If you're at the CareNet conference in September, maybe I'll stop by and see if I can explain it better in person.
Thanks for your time.
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 21 Jun 2010 12:36 PM |
No need to wait until September, we would love to assist you now. Please contact your account manager directly, (469) 293-3079
Ashleigh |
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 06 Nov 2010 10:34 AM |
I just discovered that new users to our system deleted plenty of our inactive advocates to 'clean up' the drop down window, I suspect. I really wish they had talked to me before doing that. I think that keeping the names linked to the cases and visits is important. I didn't know about the inactive box (in fact I got on to Forums to look into it). But now that I do, I'll tell them to use it!!!
I don't suppose there's anything you can do about it. Thanks for letting me vent.
Another suggestion. We have clients come in as couples so their visits are essentially the same. Since you moved the Relationship tab to the Files page, it is no longer easy to toggle between the two cases in the couple to save many keystrokes in data entry. Any chance you could add the Relationship tab in the case window? |
Re: Counselor drop down Posted: 16 Nov 2010 11:25 AM |
Hi ScienceLady,
I apologize in the delay of getting back to you. You are correct if the staff management file does not have a follow-up or user account attached to it, it can easily be deleted. You have two options. One you can manually go back and address via data entry or two you can choose to utilize the development team for a $50 per hour fee. What they would more than likely have to do is restore a back up from a previous day when the database was still intact with the correct information. The down side to this would be you would have to redo all data entry that has been completed since then. Moving forward you could limit their user account role to only client so they are not able to delete staff files in the future. If you have additional questions or need clarification don't hesitate in contacting us. Have a great day.
Ashleigh |