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jcrosby is not online. Last active: 6/2/2009 4:30:44 PM jcrosby
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Posted: 01 Jun 2009 12:19 PM
We have recently started using bulk mail for our plea letters and other fund-raising notifications and am wondering if there is a way that the "canned" receipt can be altered so it is just a thank you letter rather than referencing any "tax deductible donations" or any other verbiage that reflects a "personal" letter which is, of course, disallowed using bulk mail. There are times when we could include these receipts with plea letters, etc which would be a substantial savings for our organization. Please advise as to what we may do to still be able to use the data base for address retrieval and verification of donations received without actually listing the amount of the donation.

Your input is appreciated.

Also, is there any possibility that the receipting process will be integrated with e-mail in the near future so we may send out receipts electronically rather than by the expensive mail process? I was told recently that this request was placed on your boards for review but would appreciate any update.

Judy C
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 2/3/2025 10:42:51 AM ashleighg
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Re: Receipting
Posted: 01 Jun 2009 01:17 PM

Thank you for your feedback! If you could clarify what exactly it is that you would want included within this "letter" so I can better understand your needs. Are you wanting a receipt or just a letter? If you are just wanting to create a letter you can do this, without utilizing the receipt section. Let me know the specifics and I can better address your question.

jcrosby is not online. Last active: 6/2/2009 4:30:44 PM jcrosby
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Re: Receipting
Posted: 01 Jun 2009 02:33 PM
We were told by the post office that we could not use bulk mail for any "personal" mail which would include verbiage such as "Tax Receipt", "Receipt", Keep this notice as a receipt for tax purposes", Keep this for your records". We can use verbiage such as "your contribuion may be tax-deductible", "no goods or services were provided in exchange for this gift", "The IRS requires written substantiation of charitable gifts for $250 or more", provided that nothing else in the piece indicates that it serves as such substantiation. The document goes on to say "Mailpieces containing the following language (as I've listed above) as a description for the use of the piece, along with the amount of a prior donaton, will indicate another purpose for inclusion of the personal information and will be considered ineligible for (bulk mailing). I believe we can say "thank you for your donation of $XX "but cannot list the tax deductible words or any accumulation of donations made prior in the year.

My question would be, is there a way to show the amount of the donation as well as name and address from the data base in an auto-generated form without using the standard "canned" receipt which shows personal information?

Thanks for any help you might provide.
Judy C
ashleighg is not online. Last active: 2/3/2025 10:42:51 AM ashleighg
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Re: Receipting
Posted: 01 Jun 2009 02:48 PM
Hi Judy-

My suggestion, without knowing the "specific requirements," by what you've told me is to create a letter with the targeted report "Batch Receipts" and put what information you DO want included and the verbiage you DO want stated. To do this please follow the steps below:

1. Click on "Donor Management"
2. On the left hand side click on "Letter"
3. Click "Add New Letter" on the top left side
4. Name your letter
5. Create the verbiage you would like as well as "Insert MailMerge Fields"
6. Click "Save and Close"
7. Go to Reports
8. Click on "Batch Receipts"
9. Select parameters for report
10. Select "Run Report"
11. On the upper left hand side where it states "View As" select "Letter"
12. Select the letter you previously created
13. Export to MS Word
14. Print

If I can be of any further assistance, or have been unclear, don't hesitate in contacting me. Have a GREAT day!

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