Twin Ultrasound Posted: 15 Nov 2007 12:03 PM |
When a nurse facilitates an ultrasound scan and finds that the client is potentially pregnant with twins, they then do measurements and seperate due dates, etc for those babie(s). so I get the report and it states Baby A, Baby B. Well, they have seperate due dates, and because one is bigger states one is farther along then the other. Would I input 2 seperate sonogram forms for this, or can you add a function where you select a checkbox stating "potential twins" and it gives a second line for the second child?
Let me know your thoughts, and what I should do.
Ashleigh |
Re: Twin Ultrasound Posted: 15 Nov 2007 04:32 PM |
Hi Ashleigh,
My initial thought is that you should *not* enter 2 sono forms for this special situation, because it really was just 1 sonogram performed and only 1 pregnancy (although pregnant with multiples). But you can enter 2 sono forms if you feel this is the best way to handle this.
Do you feel that it is imperative to track both due dates? I'm assuming that the dates would be very close together, right? Our staff will have to take a look at this and see what we can do for you. As usual, this is great feedback! In the meantime, if I were you, I would set up a client category (found at the bottom of the "general" tab) called something like "carrying twins" so you can keep tabs on any clients in this situation.
Sarah |
Re: Twin Ultrasound Posted: 15 Nov 2007 06:10 PM |
One due date is 4-31-08, another 5-3-08 so it's a different month. I don't know about tracking both, just want to be accurate for CareNet and Option Ultrasound, and we've been having difficulty with OUP which I had Teresa M call and you guys handled.
Let me know what you come up with otherwise I'll just input one. THANK YOU for listening to my craziness and weird questions. You guys are so BEYOND APPRECIATED!
Ashleigh |
Re: Twin Ultrasound Posted: 15 Nov 2007 07:08 PM |
Hi Ashleigh,
I agree with Sarah. In CenterPiece, you should probably enter 1 sonogram form for twins. This is because all the reporting and follow-up in the system is based on the client's pregnancy, regardless of the number of babies due. Furthermore, the national reports (e.g. CareNet, Option Ultrasound) are also interested in statistics at the pregancy/sonogram level. For example, if you added 2 sonograms on a case, it could throw off Focus's Option Ultrasound report since the second sonogram would be counted as an addtional "Sonogram Client". This doesn't mean that the information is lost though because you can capture the pregnancy resulted in twins when you set the outcome. Keep in mind, this recommendation is for CenterPiece reporting based on the statistical requirements by the national organizations as we know it today. I do understand there may be other "medical" related requirements outside of CenterPiece that could require your center to capture this information separately. I hope that makes sense. |
Joined: 04 Nov 2015 |
Total Posts: 2 |
Re: Twin Ultrasound Posted: 04 Nov 2015 01:28 PM |
Our center is new to eKYROS and I've been looking all over on how to chart twins and this forum is the closest I could come up with. Yes, I would also agree that you wouldn't want two separate sonogram reports for twins, but Baby A and Baby B both have different measurements and and heartbeats and that should be recorded somewhere. So, how would we chart separate measurements and HR for both Baby A and Baby B?
Thank you very much!
Carla, RN |
Re: Twin Ultrasound Posted: 04 Nov 2015 01:40 PM |
Hi Carlab,
Thank you for reaching out to us! Yes you are correct, both measurements should be recorded. You will want to add a single sonogram form and input baby A's measurements in the measurement portion and then enter Baby B's measurements and data in the "Comments" portion of the Form. If you are utilizing the Physician Sign-off feature you will upload all images (for baby A and baby B) to the form for the medical personnel to review. Does that make sense?
Ashleigh |
Joined: 04 Nov 2015 |
Total Posts: 2 |
Re: Twin Ultrasound Posted: 04 Nov 2015 02:02 PM |
Yes, that makes sense!
We were going to do that, but wanted to make sure that was the correct way and that we weren't missing a feature.
Thanks for your prompt response!
Carla, RN |