1. | placing a room scheduled check mark on the apointment book Posted by chooselifegail on 8/8/2009 10:16:53 AM It would be so very helpful if there was a place that it showed up when the resources have been properly booked on the apointments so that we can see that the room is taken.
We are having big problems with getting ourselves overbooked because people forget to mark the resource and thus the rooms get over booked. I realize it is a training issue but it would help so much if that was visible on the appointment log at a glance to help remind people to do it. thanks So much Gail ... |
2. | re sarbains oxley act - record retention and Hippa confientiality Posted by chooselifegail on 7/21/2009 3:31:54 PM HI not sure it this is the right place for this question. I am wondering about two things in regards to procedural issues.
First- we are supose to retain records for 7 yrs ( unless minors then longer)
We keep part of our charts in Ekyros and part are paper charts only and currently are not coping out the Ekyros portion into paper form at all. Will the records be kept by you a set amount of time like this on line or should be be printing them out? If we were say to get a ... |
3. | Referrals Posted by chooselifegail on 7/8/2009 5:09:12 PM I just recently noticed that the referral page does not come out on the file summary report even if comments are made in the comment box. I feel this should be a part of the perm. chart so we should be able to print it out. thanks Gail |
4. | still no spell check? Posted by chooselifegail on 1/6/2009 2:13:20 PM I thought that was going to be included in this update I am so disapointed ! |
5. | Re: Thanks for spell checkRe: still no spell check? Posted by chooselifegail on 4/30/2009 12:43:23 PM It would be good if with the next update it could allow for paragraph placement. We use SOAP notes.. and when we do spell Check it takes away that placement. In other wordes we write
S. a paragraph about subject
O. What we observe
A. our assessment
P. out plan for the case
and when we check the spelling it takes away our spacing for these. so it is a pain to go back and re fix it all. Just thought you might want to know. I am sure other centers ... |
6. | Re: note catigory Posted by chooselifegail on 3/30/2009 5:59:47 PM Thank you so very much you dont know how much this will help me !!. one thing thought. I see that the comment section on the sono form does not come out on the summary so it is not a permanat part of the chart if it is printed out. this will not really work as part of the legal doc. then so this is not the best. perhaps in the next update you could make it like the correspondence form so it is visible later that would work. Thanks so much for all you do. Blessing Gail |
7. | note catigory Posted by chooselifegail on 9/5/2006 12:28:13 PM Hi Sarah,
I was wondering if it would be possible in the future to add a spell check option to the notes section. and also I would like to be able to print that note out without having to cut and paste it to word first. So that it could be placed in the hard copy of the chart as well without having to re write it. because there is no space to wr5ite a note on the sono form . I write my nurses notes here and this would really save me time and energy. thanks Gail |
8. | Re: note catigory Posted by chooselifegail on 2/7/2007 5:17:53 PM so will there be spell check in the notes section any time soon? it will also be helpful if it could be for the corrispondance section as well. I am a bad typist and speller and sure would love it. thanks gail |
9. | Re: Using The Calendar Posted by chooselifegail on 11/27/2007 1:14:54 PM hi Cindy I notice you ask about how to post who is on shift each day. We are doing that on the appointment book under the notes tab. on the far right side. behind the office hours tab. we just write in our shift workers and the hours they will be here right there and post it a month out that way. it is editable if you have changes. We do that when we review what rooms to open for the week so we have get appointments made in the right ratio to staff working. Hope that helps you Hugs Gail ... |
10. | catigories tab on the general page Posted by chooselifegail on 8/26/2008 4:15:03 PM I seem to really have trouble with this spot sticking when I uncheck apply because I no longer want to use it on the client it will not uncheck?? am I doing something wrong I do push apply and then save or save and close but it is still there the next time I look for it. I use this to track who I invite to my childbirth classes then if they didnt end up coming to it later I like to uncheck it. well I actually uncheck them all and use it again the next time I offer the classes quarterly so ... |
11. | daily report of clients seen at the center Posted by chooselifegail on 7/15/2008 3:19:21 PM yes its me again all. I would love to have some kind of list or report that tells an overview of the clients seen each day . who they are, if they were ab minded , what services they recieved that day. that could just be a print out. also a weekly option would be good for this. thank so much Gail |
12. | feature on apointment book Posted by chooselifegail on 7/11/2008 3:01:23 AM it would be great if there was alittle indicator of some kind to see that a resource room has gotten blocked out for sure for each apointment from the main apointment screen. that would prevent overbooking of space. lots of times we will have a call center volulnteer making the apoointment that is just learning ekyros and they get flustered if there isnt a room open or get sidetracked and dont ever block out the space. then we end up with double bookings. If there was some kind of star or check ... |
13. | Re: feature on apointment book Posted by chooselifegail on 7/14/2008 9:05:51 AM yes thats right . that would make my life much easier. thanks alot. also still waiting for that spell check program thanks . yes i will say hello at the confrence. Thanks and God Bless. Gail |
14. | the Followup flags Posted by chooselifegail on 5/20/2008 10:54:25 AM It would be very helpful to be able to "grade" the urgency of the followups with a rating system.
so when I get behind on this I can easily prioitize the calls. perhaps little check boxes that say AB minded, AB vulnerable still,needs sonogram,medicaid followup,class info call,birth call. along the top of the box.
I have been kind of marking mine like that and it is helpful to me on a busy day. Just thought this might help make the followups a bit less confusing to ... |
15. | on the group class roster Posted by chooselifegail on 2/19/2008 4:32:25 PM It would be super helpful if you could add the girls phone # to the roster that we print out for the attendance sheet. that way we wouldn't have to go to each chart to make reminder calls for class attendance and it would all be in one spot. thanks Gail |
16. | Re: on the group class roster Posted by chooselifegail on 2/20/2008 10:52:27 AM I would say that just the cell would probably work fine but cell and home would be good if you can. thanks so much Gail |
17. | needing an email list Posted by chooselifegail on 11/26/2007 3:29:34 PM Is there a way to pull out an E-mail list from the staff management tab??
also wondered if ther was a way to pull out a birthday list?
thanks for your help Gail |
18. | Re: the inactive check box Posted by chooselifegail on 8/8/2007 10:32:05 AM HI munskin,
gail from grapevine here.We have found that that inactive box just will not help much either!. to look at what each care giver is following up you can use the flag system in each chart to generate notes to yourself on your office page. and then you can also check this to see if they are getting done in the reports section. because every file that is created is automatically seen as active and that includes no shows the inactive box is just to much work to keep current ... |
19. | the inactive check box Posted by chooselifegail on 5/16/2007 4:40:31 PM I think it would be very helpful if when a case was closed the inactive box would automantically be checked as well so that if we want to only look at truely active client files we could use this to get to them!
also on that same note now as soon as a file is created it is automatically make active. well a lot of these are made from appointments that never materialize and do not acutally become case files so it would be better if the active box didn't become checked until the case ... |
20. | Re: the inactive check box Posted by chooselifegail on 6/9/2007 11:23:08 AM HI Sarah,
I am loving Ekyros more every day. The bigest change I am seeing recently at our center is how much our follow up with clients has inproved threw the pregnancy! this is wonderful we are using the followup flags and finding them a huge help . thanks for all you do !
sorry I have been delayed in my reply. I just started teaching a set of childbirth classes and praise God we have 18 girls attending. Thus I have been rather busy lol.
about the inactive ... |
21. | what about holding a session at the Nifla confrence?? Posted by chooselifegail on 6/9/2007 11:27:17 AM it would be so great if you could hold a share session to talk about E-kyros and how diffrent centers use your product at the local national confrences.
you could share updates and review more complex features that you don't have time to go over at the initial training. I would sure attend! just a suggestion. thanks for all you do!! Gail |
22. | printing out notes Posted by chooselifegail on 10/23/2006 3:06:13 PM I like to print a copy of the notes after I have seen a client for their chart and there is no way to specify which notes you want to print if more than one set was made that day in the file summary report. So if the client was seen by a caregiver first then had a sono done and I wrote a note too I can't just print one of those out but have to print them all. wondering if this might be able to be narrowed down a bit more.? thanks gail |
23. | Re: printing out notes Posted by chooselifegail on 10/23/2006 4:39:11 PM Ii realize that I can get that days notes from the summary report my point is to get one note when more than one is often written on the same day by several people. We have tow diffrent hard copy charts one for medical stuff and one for other cleint visits. I just want to be able to print out my note for the day without having to print out everyone elses as well that wrote a note on that day. thanks Gail |
24. | note page Posted by chooselifegail on 9/14/2006 4:01:11 PM It would be so benificial to us bad typist and spellers to have a spell check program on this portion of the program. Please!! Thanks gail |