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1.Re: Reporting on keywords
Posted by sarahm on 6/14/2007 1:46:39 PM
Hi Christi,

The Keywords field was designed to provide another way to search for a client file. Can you give us more info on how you use the Keywords for your reporting, like on the Pregnancy Test Follow-up? Are you using the keywords instead of the first and last name on the report? If we can understand how you're using this info, maybe we can help come up with a solution for you.

Thanks so much for your feedback!

In Him,

2.Re: Donor Segments
Posted by sarahm on 4/1/2008 4:20:54 PM
Ok, I think I understand, but I may need a little more clarification...

Currently, you can get lists of donors that all belong to a specific category. For example, the "Donor Files Report" has a "category" filter, so if you wanted to get a list of all donors who are interested in your "abstinence" ministry, you would select that category from the list. Doing this would give you a list of all people in that category.

From your ...
3.Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted by sarahm on 10/9/2007 12:39:22 PM
Hi waterbury,

Thanks for your feedback! We do plan to add an enhancement in the future that will allow you to track volunteers hours. There are a few other enhancements taking priority at this time, but this is something that is definitely on our to-do list. We would love to hear your specific thoughts and ideas on how this should be implemented. :)

Thanks for your time!

Sarah Miller
4.Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted by sarahm on 5/1/2008 10:08:35 AM
Hi mdasher,

In the examples you listed, currently you can only select 1 item at a time. However, you do bring up some very good points and I can completely understand why it would be helpful to select more than 1 item in these drop down lists--especially the "payment type" list as you mentioned. We'll take a look at possibly enhancing this.

Thanks for your feedback!

5.Re: Defaults
Posted by sarahm on 2/22/2008 7:54:15 PM
Hi again Timeless!

This is wonderful feedback. There is not currently a way to set a "default" city, state, zip or area code. I can definitely see how this would be a time saver. Our team will take a look at the possibility of adding this feature to a future enhancement.

Thanks again for taking the time to send us your feedback and suugestions. We really do appreciate it!

6.Re: New Case?
Posted by sarahm on 3/15/2007 10:01:39 AM
Hi Andrea,

I totally agree with Brian. You'll only want to create a new case if there is a NEW pregnancy. All follow-up visits after her pregnancy test like options counsleing, classes, Earn While You Learn, etc. should all be included within the SAME case. If she comes back to you in a few years and is pregnant again, that would be considered a new case.

Hope this helps!

Sarah Miller
7.Re: Pledge Reminder Amounts Incorrect
Posted by sarahm on 5/8/2008 2:27:52 PM
Hi mdasher,
Sorry to keep you waiting on this. I do not have your contact info, and I would hate for you to post it in our public forums. Why don't you give me a call at our office number: (972) 851-1085. We're in the office M-F from 8:00 until 5:00 Central. I look forward to talking with you.


8.Re: Blocking Time Slots on Appt. Scheduler
Posted by sarahm on 8/22/2007 10:33:50 AM
Hi Sharon,

I have good news.SmileyYes, you can already do all of this in the appointment book. You definitely do not need to book these make believe appointments to block out chunks of time on your schedule. You can set-up your "default schedule" (this is the schedule that will repeat week after week continuously) to block out chunks of time, such as for a lunch break. But, you can ...
9.Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted by sarahm on 7/23/2008 5:20:02 PM
From the list that you create in Excel, you can use this list to easily create mailing labels using Mail Merge in Word. We have a step by step user guide on how to do this under the PRC Software tab of this same website, called the CenterPiece MailMerge User Guide. If you need more help on how to do this, just let us know!


10.Re: Donor Segments
Posted by sarahm on 4/4/2008 12:19:13 PM
Hello again jolisas117,

This is great info. Thanks for helping clear up my confusion! Our team will take a look at the possibility of making this enahncement. From what you've said, it sounds like you would want all "Category" information to be added to the Donations Report (in the "list" view of this report), in an additional column. Am I correct?


11.Re: Donor Segments
Posted by sarahm on 4/1/2008 1:45:17 PM
Great feedback. Thanks for this clarification!

I know of many centers that are currently tracking this information using "Categories" (found at the bottom of the "General" tab in the donor file). All of the areas of interest that you listed can be set up as a unique category, and then you can mark each donor with their own "areas of interest."

Once you set these categories up, you'll be able to run many different reports by ...
12.Re: Twin Ultrasound
Posted by sarahm on 11/15/2007 4:32:16 PM
Hi Ashleigh,

My initial thought is that you should *not* enter 2 sono forms for this special situation, because it really was just 1 sonogram performed and only 1 pregnancy (although pregnant with multiples). But you can enter 2 sono forms if you feel this is the best way to handle this.

Do you feel that it is imperative to track both due dates? I'm assuming that the dates would be very close together, right? Our staff will have to take a look at this and ...
13.Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted by sarahm on 6/9/2008 12:32:33 PM
Thanks again for letting us know your thoughts! We appreciate you taking the time to keep in touch with us.Smiley

Blessings to you!

14.Re: Donor Segments
Posted by sarahm on 3/24/2008 9:58:39 AM
Hi Jolias117,

Can you give us more detailed info on what you mean by "areas of interest?" What would you want to track through this list, and how would this information be used?

Regarding marking gender...currently, you can only mark either male or female (but not both). Our team will take a look at this to see if we can improve this for trackimg donor couples.

Thanks for your feedback!! We appreciate it so very much. :)
15.Re: Drop Down Lists on Reports
Posted by sarahm on 7/23/2008 4:27:21 PM
Hi mdasher,

Yep, I can definitely understand why it would be nice to select more than 1 category at a time. I'll definitely make sure our team gets this feedback for a future enhancement.

For the time being, you might have to do some manual checking to make sure that names aren't duplicated. You can run both lists seperately, export to Excel, and then copy and paste to combine them to the same master list. Then, sort your list by the donor name, and ...
16.Re: Initial Visits
Posted by sarahm on 3/3/2009 11:17:11 AM
Hi Patricia,
It IS appropriate to enter a NEW Initial Visit Form for each NEW case. This is actually how the system is designed to be used. So your assumptions are absolutely correct! :)

I do know that some centers have chosen to only enter one Initial Visit form. While this is ok to do, eKYROS recommends that you enter a NEW Initial Visit form for each NEW case (1 per case).

I hope this helps clarify. If you have any more questions about this please ...
17.Re: how heard about us report
Posted by sarahm on 9/15/2008 5:09:08 PM
Hi LauraF,

Currently, there is not a way to get this specific stat you are asking about. This data ("how the client heard about you") is tracked on the Initial Visit Form, and this specific form does not ask for a specific type of client this is. The Initial Visit Stat pulls data specifically entered on this form, which means that this "How you heard about us" stat will pull from ALL clients who have an Initial Visit form entered in their files.
18.Re: New Case?
Posted by sarahm on 7/16/2007 5:16:15 PM
Hi WendyStone,

Sorry for our delay in getting back with you. Our recommendation is that no matter what the actual pregnancy test result is (positive, negative, or inconclusive), you will want to start a new case every time a pregnancy test is done. THERE IS 1 EXCEPTION to this, and that is when a client has a "retest"--meaning that she has NOT had a period since the last time she had a pregnancy test. If it is a "retest," this should info be included in the ...
19.Re: Blocking Time Slots on Appt. Scheduler
Posted by sarahm on 8/22/2007 11:58:04 AM
Hi again,

I would love to chat with you about this. Feel free to call me at (972) 851-1085 so we can talk.


Sarah Miller
20.Re: Tracking Volunteer Hours
Posted by sarahm on 10/11/2007 5:02:34 PM
That's interesting to know, Cathy. We'll keep this in mind. :)


21.Re: Donation and Pledge Letter Combinations
Posted by sarahm on 5/7/2008 5:16:46 PM
Hi Keithm,

This is a great question, and it can be tricky since you've got 3 groups of people and some of the data "overlaps." At my center we ran into this same scenario, and we used "Categories" (found at the bottom of the General tab) so we could easily generate reports for mailing labels/letters/and receipts. As we entered donations and pledges from our banquet, we also marked the donor file with a specific category ("donation only," ...
22.Re: Reporting on keywords
Posted by sarahm on 6/14/2007 2:23:18 PM
Yep, this makes perfect sense now, and I totally understand what you're saying. :)

Thanks for giving us this feedback. Our team will discuss the possibility of adding this feature in an upcoming enhancement.

Blessings to you today!

Sarah Miller
23.Re: Compassion fatigue
Posted by sarahm on 1/28/2011 1:58:35 PM
Hi Angela,
I just said a prayer for you and your staff. I am praying that the Lord will renew the passion, energy, and commitment of your team. I am also praying that God will guide you and give you wisdom on the best way to provide encouragement and leadership to them.

These verses are always an encouragement to me when I am feeling weary:

Isaiah 40:28-31--
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth. ...
24.Re: Donor Segments
Posted by sarahm on 4/11/2008 9:09:13 AM
Thanks again for your feedback. Have a great weekend!

25.Re: Keywords
Posted by sarahm on 12/20/2007 4:49:18 PM
Hi LouAnne,

A better option for tracking these groups of people would be to use "categories" (found at the bottom of the general tab). You can then run some great reports with categories to get lists, labels, or send letters to the people in a particular category. The keywords field is really only designed to be a way to search for a file (similar to last name, file id, birthdate, etc).

I hope that helps clarify. Please let us know if you need more ...
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