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1.Primary Language
Posted by cmarchionni on 6/5/2006 1:25:07 PM
Can you please add Portuguese as a primary language?
Thank you,
2.Clients Seen
Posted by cmarchionni on 8/2/2005 2:46:51 PM
I ran a report this morning of clients seen and it appears that clients who had an appointment, but didn't show up for the appointment were listed in the report. This didn't seem right because I thought the report was listing only clients who actually came in for their appointments. Am I understanding the report incorrectly or is there an error in the report?
3.Religion in General Information Section
Posted by cmarchionni on 2/11/2005 11:57:43 AM
Can you please change Christian to Protestant in the religion section on the general information tab? We have a number volunteers and staff members who are Catholic and they were a bit offended by the distinction between Christian and Catholic.

4.Appointment Book
Posted by cmarchionni on 2/11/2005 11:43:16 AM
Is there a way to track if the partner attends an appointment rather than adding a client file for the partner? Would it be possible to add partner present yes/no when you check a client in to an appointment? Then we’d be able to run a report on the number of times a partner was present at an appointment.

On the appointment book, can it list who the appointment is with (volunteer or staff member)? Is it possible to list on the appointment book what the mindset of the client is ...
5.Sonogram Questions
Posted by cmarchionni on 2/11/2005 11:35:46 AM
On the Sonogram stats, when you do the drill down, is it possible to have the data be listed by date of activity, with the most recent date first?

It would be very helpful to be able to enter the number of weeks in decimals, not just whole numbers or even in the number of days, not just a whole week.

Also, in our center we track how far along a client is number of weeks and if that makes a difference in her mind being changed. Would it be possible to break ...
6.Partner Phone Number
Posted by cmarchionni on 2/11/2005 11:47:04 AM
Can the partner's phone number be added to the General Contact page or would it be possible to change 'Pager' to Partner? I'm not sure how many centers use 'Pager'.

7.Stats - Measures
Posted by cmarchionni on 2/11/2005 11:45:17 AM
Can the number of columns for the reports and statistics be expanded beyond three? It would be helpful if it could be expanded to four.
8.Pregnancy Test Form
Posted by cmarchionni on 2/11/2005 11:36:58 AM
Under the partner info, can a question be added, "How does the partner feel about abortion?"

9.AV Clients
Posted by cmarchionni on 1/20/2005 10:59:04 AM
I was wondering what report or what statistics to run in order to see how many appointments we had scheduled were AV clients.

10.Re: AV Clients
Posted by cmarchionni on 1/26/2005 11:03:52 AM
I looked under the appointments section, but I am not able to find any statistics on the number of AV clients, am I not looking in the right place? I can see the number of appointments that we had, but it's not telling me how many of the appointments were AV appointments.
11.Re: AV Clients
Posted by cmarchionni on 1/26/2005 1:16:21 PM
Yes, AV stands for Abortion Vulnerable.

When you enter a new client, there is a check box at the very top of the form that says, "This client is abortion vulnerable". The abortion vulnerable client could be coming in for a variety of appointment types: Pregnancy Test, Ultrasound, etc.

Is there a way to have statistics that state how many of the pregnancy tests (or ultrasounds, etc.) we did were on abortion vulnerable clients, based on ...
12.Re: AV Clients
Posted by cmarchionni on 1/26/2005 1:32:22 PM
Thanks so much, glad that you understand! I'd love it if this was added to the next release!
13.Adding to lists or editing
Posted by cmarchionni on 1/20/2005 11:13:51 AM
Is it possible to just allow the person with Director privelages to enter information into the lists that we can edit? With having 5 centers and a number of users, I think it might be best if that information is all just handled by one person, rather allowing anyone to make changes to it.

I hope that makes sense!

14.Re: Client address list
Posted by cmarchionni on 1/13/2005 9:52:33 AM
Is it possible to have the option to run a mailing list for just a specific center? We are a multi-center and I think each center would want to run a mailing list for just their clients, not for clients in other centers.

Posted by cmarchionni on 12/13/2004 1:00:45 PM
Is it possible to have the client race section of the general tab be something that a center could customize? We track more races than what are listed and I'd prefer not to lump them all into the 'other' category.

16.Re: Race
Posted by cmarchionni on 12/13/2004 1:55:37 PM

Is there anyway we could add Haitian to the list?

Posted by cmarchionni on 12/9/2004 8:52:26 AM
Before coming on board with ekyros, we were looking at other client databases. One of the features that we liked in another product was the fact that if you left the database open for a while (15-20 minutes) and it wasn't being used, it would prompt you to re-enter your password. It was nice because if you left your desk and the database open, someone else wouldn't be able to get into the database and look up client information that wasn't suppose to.

They also had ...
18.Re: first day of your last period
Posted by cmarchionni on 12/2/2004 12:04:39 PM
Hi Brian,
Has this change been made? I was trying to enter a client file today that didn't know their LMP and I typed in "unknown" and it told me that a date was needed.

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