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1.Re: additional user accts
Posted by cbirdwell on 4/12/2005 11:45:03 AM
Hi Sarah,

If you will send me your contact info (phone number) I'll be happy to give you a call and we can discuss the additional accounts. Just send it to my e-mail address:

2.Re: Care Net Report question 9, 10 & 13
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/29/2006 9:24:12 AM
Hi NancyG,

Thank you for the feedback. We are discussing this with development and will get back to you shortly.

Thanks again!
3.Re: Care Net Report question 9, 10 & 13
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/30/2006 9:49:33 AM
Hi NancyG,

We just had a meeting to discuss how questions 9 - 21 are reported. Development explained that current implementation is based on the following definition given by Care Net in regard to questions 9 - 21:

"Answer these questions for all new cases (See line 1 above for definition for new client case). Report the clients who received the various services that are administered only by your center. The formats for each program listed may vary ...
4.Re: Care Net Report question 9, 10 & 13
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/30/2006 2:10:12 PM
Hello again,

We were able to confirm with Care Net that the current calculation is correct. They (Care Net) do not want us to break out the numbers by classes / concepts shared, they just want all the numbers reported together.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!!

Thanks and have a great day!
5.Re: Care Net Report question 9, 10 & 13
Posted by cbirdwell on 12/8/2006 3:15:00 PM
Hi Nancy,

Development is working right now on the changes for the 2007 report. They will post an announcement once the changes have been made. In addition, there is a Care Net Report user guide that is being made available for this year's report. The user guide will be posted to CenterPiece once the report is updated to reflect the 2007 changes.

As far as question #9 and #13, there are changes that will be made in CenterPiece.

eKYROS ...
6.Re: Care Net Report question 9, 10 & 13
Posted by cbirdwell on 12/8/2006 3:17:41 PM
Hi Nancy,

I also wanted to mention that there was a numbering change in the 2007 report. Once the changes are posted to CenterPiece you will notice that the current question #9 will #7 and the current question #13 will be #8.

7.Re: editing
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/27/2006 1:57:07 PM
Thanks for the feedback. I will talk with development and get back to you both!

Have a wonderful day!

8.Re: editing
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/27/2006 2:53:19 PM
Hi Nancy, Denise and Malia,

I spoke with development and the feedback for the "GED/Education" addition to the referral list and the request that the Pregnancy History form be editable has been added to the enhancement list!

Thanks again for the great feedback,
9.Re: Repost
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/29/2006 9:09:30 AM
Hi Carla,

I'm sorry your original post wasn't answered quickly. I'm sure you have already done this, but just to start the trouble shooting for this, have you ran the Clients Served Statistic and selected your center location along with "Student Status" for a measure to validate the data?

Thanks so much!

10.Re: OU Report Question #23
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/10/2006 9:14:24 AM
Hi Glenda,

Question #23 in the user guide should say that the TOTAL is the total of 22. Sorry about that!

Basically, here is what is going on: question #22 is asking for all clients who decided (AFTER counseling) to carry their child to term. It then breaks that info into (22a, b, c, and d) based on clients intentions BEFORE and based on whether the client had an ultrasound or not.

Question #23 takes the TOTAL from question #22 (total of ...
11.Re: OU Report Question #23
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/10/2006 3:27:18 PM
Hi Glenda,

I see where you are confused!

Okay, when you look at the case form, the pregnancy test form and the ultrasound form, you can select the following for pregnancy intentions:

- Unknown
- Abortion Minded
- Abortion Vulnerable / Undecided
- Carry to Term (Adoption)
- Carry to Term (Parent)
- Carry to Term (Undecided)
- Not Applicable (this is on the case form only)

Question ...
12.Re: OU Report Question #23
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/12/2006 7:52:08 PM
No problem! It is a bit confusing!

Have a great day,
13.Re: CN & OU Reports - Positive P/T Clients
Posted by cbirdwell on 11/10/2006 9:27:17 AM
Hi Glenda,

Good catch. Right now we are currently only counting positive tests and not POPs for CareNet. We will get in touch with CareNet to cofirm the change and if they agree, we will update the report to include POP tests with the positive tests. Thanks for the catch!!!!

14.Re: re: questions on the Initial visit form
Posted by cbirdwell on 2/9/2005 11:42:44 AM
Hi Terri,

The main purpose of the first two questions on the form (income and education level) is to gather statistical info. These statistics along with age, race, etc. can help in determining what your abortion-minded demographic looks like. Centers can choose to use this info in a number of different ways including advertising, programs you incorporate, and even the way you decorate the center.

As far as the third question: living arrangements - this is ...
15.Re: re: questions on the Initial visit form
Posted by cbirdwell on 2/9/2005 2:59:40 PM
Humm... I'll have to let other centers reply to this one. We had been using the questions for a while, so we didn't have much negative response from our clients. We did however have the clients fill out the forms themselves, so if they didn't want to answer something they generally left it blank. I can see where it would be awkward if the volunteer advocate was asking the client all those questions.

As far as the disclaimer, we didn't have one, but if a ...
16.Re: Care Net Report
Posted by cbirdwell on 9/23/2006 3:27:55 PM
Hi Nancy,

We are sorry about this. We will take a look into the issue and get back to you. Thank you for alerting us.

17.Re: Donar Searches/Mail Merge
Posted by cbirdwell on 9/23/2006 3:25:52 PM
Thanks so much for the input. We haven't heard this request before, but it is a great idea and we will definitely look into it!

Have a blessed day!
18.Re: Class lesson statistics
Posted by cbirdwell on 9/23/2006 3:23:39 PM
Hi Angie,

When someone comes in for a lesson, what forms are you filling out in eKYROS? (i.e. Individual Education, Concepts Shared, etc.)

This will help me better answer your question.

Thanks so much!
19.Re: Negative Test Intentions
Posted by cbirdwell on 9/23/2006 3:20:41 PM
Hi Lynda,

Great question! In trying to answer question #1, I had to go back to what CareNet says about a case. Here is their definition: "a case is a situation involving any client who has never been to the center or a return client with a new possible pregnancy related concern (new pregnancy, post abortion, abstinence)."

In addition, a while back we asked Kristin Hansen from CareNet about creating a new case for negative pregnancy tests, here ...
20.Re: Appointment Book
Posted by cbirdwell on 9/20/2006 4:04:29 PM
Hi Felesha,

Great question!

It really is a good idea to go back and at least enter the current year’s historical data. The reason for that is reporting. For example, if you want to be able to run correct and accurate end-of-year reports and statistics, then having both the clients and the appointment data from February 2006 is needed. In order to accomplish this, we usually recommend a bit of a piece-meal approach. Since it is already in September, you ...
21.Re: Client Categories
Posted by cbirdwell on 9/18/2006 5:05:26 PM
Noting client testimonies is a GREAT idea!
22.Re: pregnancy test page
Posted by cbirdwell on 9/18/2006 2:55:07 PM
Hi Nancy,

I just logged in and saved a pregnancy test form and was able to save it with out answering questions #1 that asks: "When was the first day of your last period?". Is this the same question that you are leaving blank?
23.Re: Editing Concepts Shared
Posted by cbirdwell on 8/14/2006 7:24:09 AM
Good morning henges,

That is a great point. We will add an "enabled" flag to the videos list, the concepts shared list, and the literature list. It will be checked by default, but when unchecked it will not appear in the list.

We have a new release right around the corner and will try to get this update in that release.

Thanks for the feedback.

24.Re: Sonogram
Posted by cbirdwell on 7/3/2006 8:06:08 AM
Thanks for the encouragement Ashleigh! It is so nice to hear that!

- Carlye
25.Re: Sonogram
Posted by cbirdwell on 6/30/2006 5:26:36 AM
Hi Ashleigh,

Thank you for the feedback. I will make those changes to the user guide. I think it will help everyone. :)

Also, we are looking at tying the sonogram to the pregnancy outcome in a future version. We agree that those two things need to be tied together.

Great suggestions!

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