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1.Clients per day
Posted by Aimee on 8/23/2011 12:06:56 PM
Dear Friends,

Is there a way that I can create a report that will tell me how many clients came on Mondays in 2010, on Tuesdays in 2010, etc.? I'd like to figure out which days are busiest.

2.Parenting Program Statistic
Posted by Aimee on 11/23/2010 4:10:13 PM

When we run the Unique Clients Served By Date Range Report, it doesn't seem to accurately count the number of clients who are coming in for our parenting program. We have manually counted them and the number we get is much more than the number eKyros shows. Can you tell me where this report draws its data from?

Thank you,
3.Re: Parenting Program Statistic
Posted by Aimee on 11/24/2010 6:26:15 PM
Hi Ashleigh,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I don't think I explained myself clearly enough in my last e-mail.

The problem that we're seeing is that when we manually count how many clients have participated in our parenting program (individual heads, like in the Unique Clients Served Report), we get a higher number than the report gives us. For example, when we run the Unique Clients Served Report for our parenting program in our Montclair ...
4.Re: Parenting Program Statistic
Posted by Aimee on 11/24/2010 6:55:14 PM
Thanks, Asleigh! Can you tell me who our account manager is?

You have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

5.Donation Receipts
Posted by Aimee on 7/19/2010 9:07:40 PM
Dear Friends,

More and more, we have donors who don't want to receive a receipt after every donation due to postage/receipt/envelope costs. Unfortunately, it's nearly impossible for us to remember to check the box of each of these donor's donations just because of how much data entry we do. Would there be a way to have a box to check on the donor's file itself that keeps each donation receipt from being printed, except for the year-end statement?

6.Re: Donation Receipts
Posted by Aimee on 7/20/2010 11:59:28 AM
Ah, yes, Ashleigh! Thanks for your reply.

I know about that "Hold Mail" box but didn't think of that as an option because I still want these donors to receive newsletters and appeal letters. I guess I can use this and print a separate list of those who have their mail held and pick out those who are regular donors. Can you confirm that this is the only way to do that?

Thanks again,
7.Re: New names
Posted by Aimee on 3/30/2010 10:48:12 AM
Hi Ashleigh,

I'm going to back to your response from last August and trying to follow the steps you posted but it's not working for me. For some reason, eKyros is saying that there are just 3 people who were added to our system in the past 3 years and haven't given. We know it's many more than that.

I've gone to Receipting, then selected "Create Statements". Is that correct? That step isn't listed in your reply above but seems ...
8.Re: New names
Posted by Aimee on 3/30/2010 6:10:59 PM

Is there any way to bring up all of the donors that have been added to eKyros between 01/01/2009 and now whether or not they've given?

I'm thinking I could compare that list with a list of those who have given and get everyone that way.

Thank you!
9.Re: New names
Posted by Aimee on 3/31/2010 12:51:00 PM

I did what you suggested (going to the Donor Files Report) and pulling by the date created (01/01/2008 to 03/31/2010) and it gave me all of our donors, many of which were added before 01/01/2008. Do you have any idea what happened?

10.Re: New names
Posted by Aimee on 3/31/2010 1:00:47 PM
Thanks, Ashleigh. Can you let me know who our Account Manager is?

11.Re: New names
Posted by Aimee on 3/31/2010 1:04:39 PM
New Jersey.
12.Re: New names
Posted by Aimee on 3/31/2010 1:07:19 PM

Thank you! I'll call her now.

13.New names
Posted by Aimee on 8/13/2009 10:40:58 AM
Hi everyone,

Is there a way to bring up the names, addresses, etc. of new folks added to eKyros who haven't given yet?

14.Care Net Statistical Report
Posted by Aimee on 2/16/2010 1:56:42 PM

I understand from your posting that you are revising Care Net's statistical report in response to Care Net's new guidelines. Can you tell me when that will be completed? I'm just wondering since our affiliation renewal is due March 1st.

Thank you,
Aimee Huber
First Choice, NJ
15.Non-donor names
Posted by Aimee on 11/24/2009 7:42:30 PM
Hi everyone,

Can you tell me how to find those names/addresses that have been added to our mailing list in the past year but haven't given?

Thanks so much,
16.Looking up clients by zip code
Posted by Aimee on 8/10/2009 1:44:59 PM

Is there any way to look up a client by zip code or by her address?

Thank you,
17.Re: adding a category
Posted by Aimee on 7/24/2009 8:00:05 AM

I followed the steps above and the item I added shows up in the list but when I add a new appointment, it's not there as a Category to choose from. What am I missing?

18.Re: adding a category
Posted by Aimee on 7/24/2009 8:29:59 AM
Thanks for your reply! I've done all of that and it shows up in the list within the client file but when I try to make a new appointment it doesn't show up in the Category drop-down. I wonder if you could go into our program and see what's happening?

19.Center Productivity Report
Posted by Aimee on 4/7/2009 9:58:12 AM
Hi everyone!

In the Center Productivity Report, I'm wondering why the number of New Client Visits doesn't match the number of Initial Visits. Can you help?

Aimee Huber
First Choice, NJ
20.Notes and Spellcheck
Posted by Aimee on 2/8/2008 9:23:55 AM

Have you ever considered adding Spellcheck/Grammar proofing capabilities to the Client Notes pages? We currently type them in Word and then copy and paste them, but this would be much easier for our volunteers to remember.

First Choice, NJ
21.Banquet Donors
Posted by Aimee on 10/21/2008 3:51:51 PM
Hi everyone,

I'd like to print a list of donors who gave a cash gift or pledge at our banquet last year (Banquet 07) but not this year (Banquet 08). Can you tell me how to do that?

Aimee Huber
First Choice, NJ
22.Re: Banquet Donors
Posted by Aimee on 10/22/2008 11:37:43 AM

Thanks for your help! Actually, I'd like to take it a step further. I want to send a letter to folks who attended our banquet last year but not this year. It seems that the instructions you gave me above actually just give me a list of of donors from Banquet 07 - just the first part of the process. I also need them filtered through Banquet 08 donors somehow so I can isolate the folks who did not attend/give at this year's banquet.

Does that make ...
23.Donors giving multiple donations
Posted by Aimee on 8/11/2008 2:12:36 PM

I'd like to pull up a report that lists donors who gave, for example, five times this year. Is there a way to do that?

24.STD Clients on Care Net Report
Posted by Aimee on 10/26/2007 11:33:51 AM
Hi everyone,

We do STD testing at our centers. I just ran Care Net's report and noticed that there is no statistic for how many STD tests we've done. Is that because Care Net doesn't include that as a stat they track? Do you have any idea whether or not they will start tracking that this coming year? The rest of the statistical report is a great birds-eye view of our stats. I'd love for this to be included too.

Thank you,
25.Pregnancy Intentions
Posted by Aimee on 4/30/2007 2:32:30 PM

What fields are used to obtain the information for the pregnancy intentions report?

Thank you,
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